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A high-school football coach in Odessa, Texas, tries to lead his players to the state championship. CMT Wed. A stage-struck New England girl meets men and gets a lucky break in New York. When an unmanned locomotive roars out of control, two railroad employees must find a way to bring it to a halt before it crashes and spills its toxic cargo. A year-old gets the chance to correct the mistakes of his past when he is miraculously transformed into a teenager. A filmmaker manipulates a starlet into the image of his late wife, a celebrated actress who met a tragic death. A young Danish prince wrestles with his conscience when he is confronted with questions of treachery and madness. Two hit men, a boxer, a crime boss and others meet their fates over the course of two days. Three men race around North America in a prestigious contest to see who can spot the greatest number of bird species in a single year. Renee is an ordinary gal who struggles with feelings of insecurity and inadequacy. SUND Fri. GALA Sat. Framed to take the fall for a heinous crime, an elite operative and his men go rogue, using their special talents to clear their names and find the real perpetrator. The paramours will find out if business can be mixed with pleasure. TNT Thur. Tags: dont underestimate, joes ability to fuck, things up classic, essential, pre k, dude, preschool, back, school, unknown, day, kindergarten, pre, teacher, teachers, friends, students, boys, toddler, kids, women, girls, kid, dad, son, daughter, youth, coach, brother, sister, kinder, child, baby, adults. The Men in Black have expanded to cover the globe but so have the villains of the universe. Ignoring the eerie warning of a troubled mother, a social worker and her own children are drawn into a frightening supernatural realm. When her boyfriend fails to propose, a woman makes a powerful birthday wish that leaves her surprised at the outcome. An unwed accountant gives birth to Mikey, a hip baby who provides sarcastic commentary on events.

Fox, Christopher Lloyd. HBO Wed. A woman gets ensnared in a deadly, global adventure when she becomes the reluctant partner of a fugitive spy. Supported by her mother, a New Englander finally tells her salty father she wants to be an actress. Tags: bahston sawks, fawk bahston, fuck boston, new york yankees, i hate boston, baseball team, sports, new york baseball, new york city, bronx new york, baseball fan, baseball fans, school train, all stand up, temple of fame, beautiful model milf smokin hot milf porn, gerrit cole, captain, classique, bahston, sawks. Inpublisher Katharine Graham and editor Ben Bradlee of The Washington Post risk their careers and very freedom to expose a massive cover-up of government secrets that spans three decades and four U. Chappell 1 Mallory Young 2 1. Tasty black teens that anal fuck dildos dog girl sex video 1 hr. A depressed dentist amid a mid-life crisis struggles to come to terms with the reasons why one of his patients who seemed to have it all would commit suicide. College freshman Tess gets the surprise pov porn fucking video of little girl a lifetime when she meets Sammy -- the twin sister she never knew she. A medical intern discovers his colleagues are playing a deadly game in which one commits the perfect murder, then the others compete to find the cause of death. Evil comes home to roost, as unstoppable killer Michael Myers returns to Haddonfield to restore his family, together with his ghostly matriarch. Mary is a professional assassin who works for a ruthless gangster and his organized crime family in Boston. When a Roman general is betrayed and his family murdered by the emperor, he comes to Rome as a gladiator to seek revenge. An expert in prison security joins forces with an inmate to break out of a top-secret, high-tech facility. BBCA Wed. Robinson, Ruth Hussey. Get the very thing with our Uncommonly Perfect Gift Guides. Hot Shots!

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A CIA agent tries to rescue his one-time protege who awaits execution in a Chinese prison. Globe-trotting archaeologist Indiana Jones races the Nazis for possession of a legendary religious artifact. HMM Mon. A self-styled Lothario teaches a suddenly single something how to be a hit with the ladies. Local and federal police hunt a sneaky alien creature, now skinning drug dealers in Los Angeles. Ophelia Daisy Ridley, Naomi Watts. KCBS Sun. Tags: educated women, hard worker, geek, sex equality, intelligent woman, women are equal to men, smart girl, my favorite quote from my hero, rip rbg, women rights, i dissent, rbg quotes, feminist, women empowerement, inspirational, rest in peace rbg, equality, resist, politics, law power, supreme court, my heroine, anti trump, she sent me vote, great lady, to honor a very respected woman and role model, fight for the things you care about, wear to get a lot of compliments, not my president, gay rights, lgbt, you cant handle the ruth, you cant handle the truth, resist trump, jurist, second woman to serve on the us supreme court, ruth bader ginsburg, lead others to join you, wisdom, beautiful soul, greatness, brooklyn, equality justice feminist, legacy, liberal women, brilliant mind on the bench, independent woman. Three popular gals from different cliques join forces for revenge after discovering that the school stud is stringing them along. NR 1 hr. KVEA Sun. Tags: art baby background beautiful beauty black college kids comic crown cute design fashion female sex girl gold graphic pattern rose princess queen quote star styling sweet white typing typography vintage white woman. A winged creature terrorizes basketball players, coaches and cheerleaders who have become stranded on a highway. Tags: backless, womens, funny, fashion, girls, black, back, summer, beautiful, unisex adult, red, sexy, cute, portrait, lady, cool, skin, hair, love, elegant, golden retriever, trend, white, wedding, cutout, cut out, pretty, christmas, women, woman, girl, vintage, hot, retro, sex, nude, female, model, feminist, boobs, pink, beauty, lips, kinky, pinup, men. President Benjamin Asher from the terrorists who attacked London. Secret revelations and chaos reign when members of a dysfunctional British family gather to lay their patriarch to rest. Following the imprisonment of her brother, a woman earns a law degree and fights to clear him of murder.

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A rising journalist and an irresponsible slacker ponder their future after a boozy one-night stand results in a pregnancy. In Hawaii struggling to get over a bad breakup, a musician encounters his former lover and her new boyfriend. Tags: abstract, babies, baby, logo, background, beautiful, beauty, blue, bow, boy, child, colour, colourful, concept, couple, cute, fun, girly, graphic, graphics, group, happy, icon, isolated, joy, little, love, men, new, pink, relationship, romance, symbol, together, valentine, vector, pastel, girls, confetti, nobody, twins, sex, pair, gender, connection, popular, fonts. A look at the life, work, activism and controversies of actress and fitness tycoon Jane Fonda. A rookie cop meets a corrupt Los Angeles narcotics officer who wants to include him in his schemes. Tags: loud pipes save lives, biker, bikers, helmet, funny, motorcycle, car bumper, cool motorcycle, funny motorcycle, cool helmet, text, ride, motorbike, rat rod, fuck you, bike bikers, college humor, and roll, music, college, cool, laptop, macbook, drinking alcohol, drunk, bar, classic, vintage typography, retro, quote, heavy metal, vintage, logo, icon, patch patches, old school, veteran, vet, old, dirt, bike, motocross, racing, cafe racer, motorcycles, motorbikes, bikes, garage, chopper, bobber. Emerging secrets threaten the budding romance between a troubled young man and the young woman who helped him rediscover happiness. Rebellious pilot Jake Pentecost and his estranged sister must lead a brave new generation of fighters against otherworldly monsters that want to destroy humanity. Three men race around North America in a prestigious contest to see who can spot the greatest number of bird species in a single year. Australian Elizabeth Kenny graduates from nursing school and becomes famous for her treatment of polio. FX Fri. A CIA operative and a paramilitary team must transport a foreign intelligence asset 22 miles through Southeast Asia. The archer and his Moorish sidekick join Sherwood Forest outlaws against the sheriff of Nottingham, who covets Maid Marian. A man finds solace with another woman after his wife cheats on him during their honeymoon. Death takes human form, asking a principled widower to guide him in exchange for more time on Earth. TNT Tues.

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Justice Clarence Thomas recounts his extraordinary life story -- from living in poverty as a child to serving on the Supreme Court. A middle-class snob on the eve of retirement takes refuge with her bohemian sister after she discovers her husband is having an affair with her best friend. Accompanied by a ragtag group of teens and Boots the monkey, Dora embarks on a quest to save her parents while trying to solve the seemingly impossible mystery behind a lost Incan civilization. Long Sleeve Baby One-Pieces. A small-town Texas wife who wants more out of life becomes infatuated with a new co-worker who acts like Holden Caulfield of The Catcher in the Rye. White House aides draft a down-to-earth double to impersonate the president, who has had a stroke. Meanwhile, sparks fly between the female contestant and the handsome ranch owner who acts as their guide. EPIX Mon. Learning that his friends and family are in danger, a robotic child marshals his incredible powers and returns home to Metro City. A girl with a crush on the captain of the football team turns into a witch on her 16th birthday.