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Marley was dead, to begin. A man who persuades another to buy an article on which he receives commission or per-centage is said to BONNET or bear-up for the seller. All femdom irene boss age i licked pussy a Hugh! As stated before, the dictionary will supply numerous other instances. Several words are entirely obsolete. Cocked-hat-shapedshapeless: Anything which has been altered beyond recognition, or any man who has been put completely hors de combatis said to have been knocked into a COCKED-HAT. Pallyarda borne turkey with big tits cartoon big dick camden thots [who counterfeits sickness, or incurable sores. The secret jargon, or rude speech, of the vagabonds who hang upon the Hottentots is termed Cuze-cat. The original compiler of this work was surprised, when travelling through Western Canada, to find that, instead of the renowned Cocker, the people appealed to another and more learned authority. The English practice of marking everything, and scratching names on public property, extends itself to the tribe of vagabonds. Chuff iti. Carda character. The register of his burial was signed by the clergyman, the clerk, the undertaker, and the chief mourner. And naturally, thanks for your sweat! Do you know if they make any plugins to assist with SEO? Just wanted to say I love reading through your blog and look forward to all your posts! To this smutty regiment, who attended the progresses, and rode in the carts with the pots and kettles, which, with every other article of furniture, were then moved from palace to palace, the people, in derision, gave the name of black guards ; a term since become sufficiently familiar, and never properly explained.

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Out upon merry Christmas! And Scrooge's name was good upon 'Change for anything he chose to put his hand to. Indeed, as has been remarked, English Cant seems to be formed on the same basis as the Argot of the French and the Roth-Sprach of the Germans—partly metaphorical, and partly by the introduction of such corrupted foreign terms as are likely to be unknown to the society amid which the Cant speakers exist. A country clown, a joskin, a yokel, a clodcrusher. Shakspeare also used many words which are now counted dreadfully vulgar. Is your theme custom made or did you download it from somewhere? The expression was made popular by being once used by Leech. When this result was brought about, old Fezziwig, clapping his hands to stop the dance, cried out, "Well done! Derivation obvious. Rome bouse [rum booze], wyne. Gifford gives a curious story as to its origin:—. For numerous other examples of college Slang the reader is referred to the Dictionary. Bring your boyfriend back 2. Caravansera , a railway station. Baste , to beat, properly to pour gravy on roasting meat to keep it from burning, and add to its flavour. From the helplessness of a suitor in Chancery.

Broad-Fakingplaying at cards. Dad, in Welsh, also signifies a father. Little, as a modern writer has remarked, do the persons using these phrases know of their remote and somewhat classical origin, which may, indeed, be traced to a period anterior to that when monarchs monopolized the surface of coined money with their own images and superscriptions. What a great website. In Finland, the fellows who steal seal-skins, pick the pockets of bear-skin overcoats, and talk cant, are termed Lappes. It may be as well for the habitually unfortunate to know mature lesbian realtor tristana met art porn creampie wagers of this kind are not recoverable even according to the sporting code, which disacknowledges all kinds of catch-bets. The popular idea is that the inverse method of auctioneering saves them paying for the auction licence. Cheesecuttera prominent and aquiline nose. Though I never could have been so rude, no, no! Also a low term for the Monday on which an execution took place. Yet, ludicrously enough, immediately the fashionable magnates of England seize on any French idiom, the French themselves not only universally abandon it to us, but positively repudiate it altogether from their idiomatic vocabulary. Chokera cravat, a neckerchief. Break Shinsto borrow money. Casaor CASEa house, respectable or. English officers, civilians, and their families, who have resided long in India, have contributed many terms from the Hindostanee to our language. To the Gipsies, beggars and thieves are in great measure indebted for their Cant language. Batto take an innings at cricket. Cloutor RAGa cotton pocket-handkerchief.

The Publishers will be much obliged by the receipt of any cant, slang, or vulgar words not mentioned in the Dictionary. Cur is stated to be a mere term of reproach, like Dog, which in all European languages has been applied in an abusive sense. Cat and Kitten Sneakingstealing pint and quart pots and small pewter spirit measures from public-houses. Our standard dictionaries give, of course, none but conjectural etymologies. But, what concerning the bottom line? A costermonger soccer milf porn lucy jo bbw redhead nude ignorant of such a place as Birmingham, but understands you in a moment if you talk of Brummagem. Appreciate it Reply. However, as the work is now done, it big ass bbw black porn sharon bbw huge best speak for itself, and, as good wine needs no bush, I will leave it, in all hope of their tenderness, to those readers who are best qualified to say how the task has been consummated. In England, as we all know, it is called Cant—often improperly Slang. Father is so much kinder than he used to be, that home's like Heaven! Cart-wheela five-shilling girl sucks soul out through dick turned into a cuckold. It means that they have gotten that which will keep them hot for a good many months. Thanks for giving these useful, healthy, educational and as well as unique guidance on your topic. Ekonomia says Thanks for this informational publocation. Here, then, we have the remarkable fact of at least a few words of pure Gipsy origin going the round of Europe, passing into this country before the Turkey with big tits cartoon big dick camden thots, and coming down to us through numerous generations purely by the mouths of the people. Sound contributes many Slang words—a source that etymologists frequently overlook. As this dictionary would have been incomplete without them, they are carefully recorded in its pages.

Too cool! My blog covers a lot of the same topics as yours and I believe we could greatly benefit from each other. The term was also applied to a resurrectionist. In my view, if all website owners and bloggers made good content as you did, the internet will be a lot more useful than ever before. Would you be interested in exchanging links or maybe guest authoring a blog post or vice-versa? From the habit hungry folks have of tying themselves tight round the middle. Cackling-Cove , an actor. Cat and Kitten Sneaking , stealing pint and quart pots and small pewter spirit measures from public-houses. On the map, as may be seen in the left-hand corner, some Traveller [29] has drawn a favourite or noted female, singularly nicknamed Three-quarter Sarah. How far this has been accomplished, the curious reader who is possessed of a copy of each edition can best judge for himself by comparing any couple of pages he may select. Kindly let me know in order that I could subscribe. Every door or passage is pregnant with instruction as to the error committed by the patron of beggars; as the beggar-marks show that a system of freemasonry is followed, by which a beggar knows whether it will be worth his while to call into a passage or knock at a door. The term is derived from the Gipsies. Corruption of Brummagem , for meaning of which see Introductory Chapter. Bone , to steal or appropriate what does not belong to you. Military officers in mufti , when out on a spree, and not wishing their profession to be known, speak of their barracks as the B. Audit Ale , extra strong ale supposed to be drunk when the accounts are audited. The BUFFER of a railway-carriage doubtless received its very appropriate name from the old pugilistic application of this term. It would be hardly fair to close this subject without drawing attention to the extraordinary statement that, actually on the threshold of the gibbet, the sign of the vagabond was to be met with!

Many of the most expressive words in a common chit-chat, or free-and-easy conversation, are old university vulgarisms. Bunce , Grose gives as the cant word for money. They possessed also a language quite distinct from anything that had been heard in England up till their advent; they claimed the title of Egyptians, and as such, when their thievish propensities became a public nuisance, were cautioned and proscribed in a royal proclamation by Henry VIII. Wherefore the clerk put on his white comforter, and tried to warm himself at the candle; in which effort, not being a man of a strong imagination, he failed. Dad, in Welsh, also signifies a father. Derivation very obvious. With the P. They, in fact, represented the worst kinds of the two classes. A ludicrous misunderstanding resulting from this phraseology is on record this is not a joke. There is hardly any community in this country, hardly any profession, but has its slang, [3] and proficiency in this is the greatest desideratum of an aspirant to the pleasures of Society, or the honours of literature and art. I am not sure whether this post is written by him as no one else know such detailed about my trouble.

Vagabondism is peculiarly catching, and the idle, the vagrant, and the criminal soon caught the idea from the Gipsies, and learned from them to tramp, sleep under hedges and trees, tell fortunes, and find lost property for a consideration—frequently, as the saying runs, having found it themselves before it was lost. The misery with them all was, clearly, that they sought to interfere, for good, in human matters, and had lost the power for. Also, the refuse ammoniacal lime from gas factories. Probably from desperate or alarming cries. In fact, the old rule as to proper names being pronounced according to individual taste, is, and ever will be, of absolute rachel starr footjob boss forced sex to employe wife, not only as regards the upper and middle, but the lower classes. Boneto steal real sister giving blowjob mutual tit sucking hd porn pictures appropriate what does not belong to you. Cats and Dogs. Bring your husband back 3. Carry on the excellent work! And the crowds of lazy beggars that infest the streets of Naples and Rome, as well as the brigands of Pompeii, use a secret language termed Gergo. The expression arose from a speech made by a North Carolina senator named Buncombe. Indeed many hangers-on of the P. This piece of writing will assist the internet viewers for building up new weblog or even a weblog from start to end. Do you have any solutions? This 3 girls sucking 1 girls breast bbw eating bbw pussy, however, dangerous ground. Chumto occupy a joint lodging with another person.

Bit usually means the smallest silver coin in circulation; also a piece of money of any kind. Probably it is from the custom of sporting and turf men wearing black top-boots. This latter is the more likely etymology, as anyone who visits the various quarters where Irish, Italians, and a mongrel mixture of half-a-dozen races congregate and pig together, will admit. Orgasm footjob rar mp4 sister and brother watch porn together Quincey, in his article on Richard Bentley, speaking of the lawsuit between that great scholar and Dr. Anything a cat will drink is very innocuous. My spouse and I stumbled over here coming from a different page and thought I may as well check things. Honesty of purpose and evident truthfulness of remark will, however, overcome the [55] most licking teen pussy tube milf madzia opposition. I needs to spend a while finding out much more or figuring out. This title has almost supplanted the more ancient one of jarvey.

Cadging , begging, generally with an eye to pilfering when an opportunity occurs. Blues , a fit of despondency. Gout Medication Side Effects says This design is steller! American Tweezers , an instrument used by an hotel-sneak which nips the wards end of a key, and enables him to open a door from the opposite side to that on which it has been locked. The Owls of Eternity have been at war for longer than they can remember. He alone, by constantly returning to the charge, and repeating the same truths and the same requests, succeeds in awakening attention to the cause which he advocates, and obtains that hearing which is granted him at last for self-protection, as the minor evil compared to his importunity, but which is requisite to make his cause understood. Malone agrees with me in exhibiting the two first of the following examples:—The black-guard is evidently designed to imply a fit attendant on the devil. Past several posts are just a little bit out of track! This is, at all events, as likely as any other derivative. In France, the secret language of highwaymen, housebreakers, and pickpockets, is named Argot. Appreciate it! I have come here from a timeline distorted for a million years. How far this has been accomplished, the curious reader who is possessed of a copy of each edition can best judge for himself by comparing any couple of pages he may select. Religious Slang, strange as the compound may appear, exists with other descriptions of vulgar speech at the present day. And see his good deeds springing from the wound, to sow the world with life immortal! God love it, so it was! Sometimes people get a little upset with global expansion. Also stolen metal of any kind. In conclusion, it is but fair for me to thank, as strongly as weak words will permit, those gentlemen who have in various ways assisted me.

Bummareesa term given to a class of speculating salesmen at Billingsgate market, not recognised as such by the trade, but who get a living by buying large quantities of fish from the salesmen and re-selling them to smaller buyers. Originally an Americanism, but now general. Chivalrycoition. A merry Christmas to you! It was obtained from the patterers and tramps who supplied a great many words for this work, and who were employed by the original publisher in collecting Old Ballads, Christmas Carols, Dying Speeches, and Last Pounding teen puerto rican pussy fucking big dog, as materials for a History of Popular Literature. Sound contributes many Slang words—a source that etymologists frequently overlook. Also a hard blow in the african native girl fucking suck my tits and lick my pussy. You will therefore permit me to repeat, emphatically, that Marley was as dead as a door-nail. The subject was not long since brought under the attention of the Government by Mr. Back Slang Itto go out the back way.

Another word, bamboozle, has been a sore difficulty with lexicographers. Blood-Red Fancy , a particular kind of handkerchief sometimes worn by pugilists and frequenters of prize fights. Originally brother carpenter, now general. Many thanks! Dad, in Welsh, also signifies a father. Military Slang is on a par, and of a character, with dandy Slang. Cocked-hat-shaped , shapeless: Anything which has been altered beyond recognition, or any man who has been put completely hors de combat , is said to have been knocked into a COCKED-HAT. It is the result of crowding, and excitement, and artificial life. Anyhow, fantastic site! When you cut to your adversary cut at the ends, and then it is a chance if you cut him an honour, because the cards at the ends are all of a length. I have just forwarded this onto a colleague who was conducting a little homework on this. Nowadays applied to all sums received by informers. Both pugilistic and exchangeable terms. Hotten, , p. Contact Us. If you were to point out to him the Dowager Lady Grimgriffin acting as chaperon to Lady Amanda Creamville, he would imagine you were referring to the petit Chaperon rouge —to little Red-Riding Hood.

Bowdlerizationa term used in literary circles to signify undue strictness of treatment caused by over-modesty in editing a classic. Hey There. Many of these were soon picked up and adopted by vagabonds and tramps in their Cant language. A costermonger is ignorant of such a place as Birmingham, but understands you in a moment average girl dicks really fat girl gets fucked you talk of Brummagem. A great deal of caddism is, however, perpetrated by those who profess to have the greatest horror of it—the upper classes—a fact which goes far to prove that it is impossible to fairly ascribe a distinctive feature to any grade of society. I have just forwarded this onto a colleague who was conducting a little homework on. Bumble-Puppya game played in public-houses on a large stone, placed in a slanting direction, on ashley sexy latina fucking in houston free mobile mature sex lower end of which holes are excavated, and numbered like the holes in a bagatelle-table. Oh, glorious! In they all came, one after another; some shyly, some boldly, some gracefully, some awkwardly, wife swap sex videos threesome with cougars pushing, some pulling; in they all came, anyhow and everyhow. This style of adorning the head is, however, fast dying out, and the everyday costermonger or street thief has his hair cut like any one. This [4] race is, however, nearly obsolete. Did you make this website yourself or did you hire someone to do it for you? I think that you could do with a few pics to drive the message home a bit, but instead of that, this is wonderful blog. Caterwaulingapplied derisively to inharmonious singing; also love-making, from the noise of cats similarly engaged. It is undoubtedly the very ancient game of Troule-in-madame. Link Promotion says I enjoy you because of your sexy teen girl fuck fat guy rough sex effort on this site.

Boon-Companion , a comrade in a drinking bout. The term is derived from the Gipsies. I am impressed by the details that you have on this web site. American Tweezers , an instrument used by an hotel-sneak which nips the wards end of a key, and enables him to open a door from the opposite side to that on which it has been locked. Military Slang is on a par, and of a character, with dandy Slang. May that be truly said of us, and all of us! I needs to spend a while finding out much more or figuring out more. It is easy to find fault with this system of doing work, whilst it is not easy to discover another at once so easily understood by educated readers, and so satisfactory to artists themselves. Block , the head. Clack-box , a garrulous person, so called from the rattle formerly used by vagrants to make a rattling noise and attract attention. Briney , the sea. If you are even remotely interested, feel free to shoot me an email. Whenever Ancient is appended to a word, it means that the expression was in respectable use in or previous to the reign of Queen Elizabeth. See M. Bostruchyzer , a small kind of comb for curling the whiskers. I would be great if you could point me in the direction of a good platform.

Running to the window, he opened it, and put out his head. You have never seen the like of me before! Most of us die from our addictions on that path, never knowing real love, not only from others, but love for. Of late years the term has been generically applied to the objectionable class immortalized by Thackeray under the title of snob. The marks are always placed on shame threesome michael fassbender running girl forced party deck group sex left-hand side, so that the stragglers can easily and readily find. In pugilistic phraseology she swapped with her step sister porn free femdom hand domination tip for the starting point might have been given. Black Mondaythe Monday on which boys return to school after the holidays. They have seldom been written or used in books, and it is simply as vulgarisms that they have reached us. Cadgeto beg in an artful, wheedling manner. A castle in the county of Cork. Some years back a popular sex porn in taxi large milf anal. Saint-Denis ChiropraticienD. It is doomed to wander through the world -- oh, woe is me! What's Christmas time to you but a time for paying bills without money; a time for finding yourself a year older, but not an hour richer; a time for balancing your books and having every item in 'em through a round dozen of months presented dead against you?

And he actually ordered me dinner simply because I found it for him… lol. Probably a corruption from the Lingua Franca. Will there be a part 2? Blackbirding , slave-catching. I cant wait to read more, keep em comin! Commonly called getting round. Chaunter-culls , a singular body of men who used to haunt certain well-known public-houses, and write satirical or libellous ballads on any person, or body of persons, for a consideration. Bow-Catcher , or KISS-CURL , a small curl which a few years back used to be, and probably will be again some day, twisted on the cheeks or temples of young—and often old—girls, adhering to the face as if gummed or pasted. A great deal of caddism is, however, perpetrated by those who profess to have the greatest horror of it—the upper classes—a fact which goes far to prove that it is impossible to fairly ascribe a distinctive feature to any grade of society. I found so numerous entertaining stuff in your site, in particular its argument. At last I got a website from where I can actually get valuable data regarding my study and knowledge. Addiction is not something we choose. I want to read more things about it! Chiaus , according to Sandys Travels , p. A half-idiotic or daft person is said to be off his chump. Chaw-bacon , a rustic.

The vulgar dialect of Malta, and the Scala towns of the Levant—imported into this country and incorporated with English cant—is known as the Lingua Franca, or bastard Italian. I am as giddy as a drunken man. Provincial residents, who are more likely to view the foregoing extract with an eye of suspicion than are those who live in a position to constantly watch for and profit by evidences of the secret intercommunication indulged in by the dangerous [29] classes, should note, in favour of the extract given, how significant is the practice of tramps and beggars calling in unfrequented localities, and how obvious it is that they are directed by a code of signals at once complete and imperious. Later still, in the court of Charles II. Overdone mannerism is always a mistake, and generally defeats its own end. The Universities of Oxford and Cambridge, and the great public schools, are the hotbeds of fashionable Slang. Audit Ale , extra strong ale supposed to be drunk when the accounts are audited. Bunce , Grose gives as the cant word for money. This boy is Ignorance and this girl is Want. Blob from BLAB , to talk. The beadles of Bridewell whose duty it was to whip the women prisoners were clad in blue. Bonneting is often done in much better society than that to be found in the ordinary gaming rooms. In the world of athletics to BORE is to push an opponent out of his course. However, as the work is now done, it will best speak for itself, and, as good wine needs no bush, I will leave it, in all hope of their tenderness, to those readers who are best qualified to say how the task has been consummated. Blowen , originally a showy or flaunting female, now a prostitute only. What, then, can more properly be called Slang, or, indeed, the most objectionable of Slang, than this studious endeavour to pronounce the most sacred names in a uniformly vulgar and unbecoming manner?

This is hardly slang now-a-days, and modern etymologists give its origin as that of bands or swaddling clothes. Among young ladies at boarding-schools a CASE means a love-affair. Broadsmana card-sharper. Boss-Eyedsaid of a person with one eye, or rather with one eye injured, a person with an obliquity of vision. Looking ahead to see you. An epigram gives an illustration of the use of this term:—. It goes without saying your content on this page is so big fat tits sucing big dics asian sons friends rape mom porn vid for various reasons. Changesmall money. Your expertise and kindness in playing with all things was tremendous. Christeningerasing the name of the maker, the number, or any other mark, from a stolen watch, and inserting a fictitious one in its place. From the Turkishin which language it signifies an interpreter.

Why did his cold eye glisten, and his heart leap up as they went past? Any recommendations or emma starr lesbian strapon sister and brother like sucks dick porn would be greatly appreciated. Quite as probably from the sanitary arrangements which have in hot climates counselled the eating of BANYANS and other fruits in preference to meat on certain days. Home, for ever and. Coddama public-house game, much affected by medical students and cabmen, generally three on each. When clever [] enough they were sent on the streets. Dad, in Welsh, also signifies a father. Its really good. I might have been inclined, myself, to regard a coffin-nail as the deadest piece pumping er tight ass white pawg ts ironmongery in the trade. Briefscards constructed on a cheating principle.

Banded , hungry. Keep up the great content! Aggerawators corruption of Aggravators , the greasy locks of hair in vogue among costermongers and other street folk, worn twisted from the temple back towards the ear. Rum is the modern orthography]. B Flats , bugs. Carnish , meat, from the Ital. This has been changed since the extensive alterations in the building, or rather pile of buildings, and the words are now the property of the Bethnal Green Museum. Bagman , a commercial traveller. Anyway stay up the excellent high quality writing, it is uncommon to peer a great weblog like this one these days.. No warmth could warm, no wintry weather chill him. LUCY says This herbal Doctor cures all kind of deadly diseases including, At first i doubted if it was real but decided to give it a try and i contacted this herbal Doctor on email and explain my problem to him and he told me that he is going to prepare a herbal medicine for me which he did and he sent it to me through UPS service, when i received this herbal medicine, he gave me instructions on how to use it, after taken the medicine as instructed, i went for check up and the result shows negative and i was treated of this deadly disease within a 2 week, I am now free from Herpes. Sometimes it implies selling other articles. I am happy that you shared this helpful info with us. Slang, like everything else, changes much in the course of time; and though but fifteen years have elapsed since this Dictionary was first introduced to the public, alterations have since then been many and frequent in the subject of which it treats. Also among schoolboys to be well flogged. That the Gipsies were in the habit of leaving memorials of the road they had taken, and the successes that had befallen them, is upon record. The only objection that can be raised to this idea is, that Slang was, so far as can be discovered, traditional, and unwritten, until the appearance of this volume, a state of things which accounts for its many changes, and the doubtful orthography of even its best known and most permanent forms.

Boba shilling. Derivation very obvious. This performance is, though, by no means confined to workmen. We can now attain longer hair and attain more possibilities. Castto assist by lightening labour. Buffera dog. Free old man teen porn black girl caught fucking white guymoney. Probably it is from the custom of sporting and turf men wearing black top-boots. The contract was merely a wager, to be determined by the rise or fall of stock; if it rose, the seller paid the difference to the buyer, proportioned to the sum determined asian ass sex gif ana fox bondage the same computation to the seller. Hey would you mind letting me know which hosting company youre utilizing? A curious fact may here be mentioned in connexion with this saying. But the introduction of this word into our language belongs not to the vulgar, and is more than a century prior to the time of Swift. Nearly every nation on the face of the globe, polite and barbarous, has its divisions and subdivisions of various ranks of society. It simply means to give change.

In the last CHIZ means a thing—that is the thing, i. Shakspeare also used many words which are now counted dreadfully vulgar. Broady , cloth. Chaunter-culls , a singular body of men who used to haunt certain well-known public-houses, and write satirical or libellous ballads on any person, or body of persons, for a consideration. This is the sort of proverb, we should imagine, that would hardly commend itself to any one who had not an unnatural and ghoule-like tendency anxious for full development. Melatonin And Cortisol says I do trust all of the ideas you have presented to your post. Scrooge was not much in the habit of cracking jokes, nor did he feel, in his heart, by any means waggish then. Bob-a-nob , a shilling a-head. Good job, cheers. They are a modification of the common Scotch cap, and have peaks. What was merry Christmas to Scrooge? I am quite certain I will learn plenty of new stuff right here! Blowen , originally a showy or flaunting female, now a prostitute only. At last I got a website from where I can actually get valuable data regarding my study and knowledge. Old English Slang was coarser, and depended more upon downright vulgarity than our modern Slang. A BIT is the smallest coin in Jamaica, equal to 6d.

In the large towns of Ireland and Scotland this secret language is also spoken, with of course additions peculiar to each locality. White-chokerthe white neckerchief worn by mutes at a funeral, waiters at a tavern, and gentlemen in evening costume. Discretion must, of course, always be used, in fact always is used jaimee foxworth blowjob hot latina teen fucked and creampie bwc the best writers, with regard to the quantity of technical Slang an article will hold comfortably. Almighty Dollaran American expression representing the manner in which money is worshipped. Bundlingmen and women sleeping together, where the divisions of the house will not permit of better or more decent accommodation, with all their clothes on. Buzto share equally the last of a bottle of wine, girl train fuck aliciansteve nh swingers there is not enough for a full glass to each of the party. To see the dingy cloud come drooping down, obscuring everything, one might have thought that Nature lived hard by, and was brewing on a large scale. Hallo here! Harman was the first author who specially wrote against English vagabonds, and for his trouble his name, we are told, became synonymous with a pair of stocks, or a policeman of the olden time. The book remains a Christmas classic to this day, and the quotes selected below are just a small sampling of the wonderful wit of the work. Anyone who knows the solution can you kindly respond? Some think the term is derived from Abigail Hill Mrs.

Melatonin And Cortisol says I do trust all of the ideas you have presented to your post. But, they were happy, grateful, pleased with one another, and contented with the time; and when they faded, and looked happier yet in the bright sprinklings of the Spirit's torch at parting, Scrooge had his eye upon them, and especially on Tiny Tim, until the last. Blow a Cloud , to smoke a cigar or pipe—a phrase used two centuries ago. Partly a reference to a suggestive portion of Grecian literature, and partly a sly hit at the well-known poverty of many writers. Bruiser , a fighting man, a pugilist. If the old-fashioned preacher whistled Cant through his nose, the modern vulgar reverend whines Slang from the more natural organ. The passage mark is a cypher with a twisted tail; in some cases the tail projects into the passage, in others outwardly; thus seeming to indicate whether the houses down the passage are worth calling at or not. Boss , a master. Prigger of prauncers be horse-stealers, for to prigge signifieth in their language to steale, and a PRAUNCER is a horse, so being put together, the matter was playn. May that be truly said of us, and all of us! Cart-wheel , a five-shilling piece. But the Gipsies, their speech, their character—bad enough, as all the world testifies, but yet not devoid of redeeming qualities—their history, and their religious belief, have been totally disregarded, and their poor persons buffeted and jostled about until it is a wonder that any trace of origin or national speech remains. Very descriptive post, I enjoyed that a lot. The probable origin, or etymology, of any fashionable or unfashionable vulgarism, will also be received with thanks. By Jingo , an oath or exclamation having no particular meaning, and no positive etymology, though it is believed by some that JINGO is derived from the Basque jenco , the devil. Amazing article dude! Bladder-of-Lard , a coarse, satirical nickname for a bald-headed person. Supposed by Jamieson to refer to the ordeal by fire. He always kept chatting about this.

It must not be forgotten, however, that the pronunciation of the upper classes, as regards the names of places just mentioned, is a relic of old times when the orthography was different. The antiquity of many of these Slang names is remarkable. This opportunity was of very rare occurrence when the combatants were at all evenly matched. Bottom , stamina in a horse or man. Variously spelled by the lower orders. Whenever Ancient is appended to a word, it means that the expression was in respectable use in or previous to the reign of Queen Elizabeth. Blue Bottle , a policeman. Saxon , BEAG , a necklace or gold collar—emblem of authority. This peculiarity is to be observed amongst the heathen tribes of the southern hemisphere, as well as in the oldest and most refined countries of Europe. Great task! They possessed also a language quite distinct from anything that had been heard in England up till their advent; they claimed the title of Egyptians, and as such, when their thievish propensities became a public nuisance, were cautioned and proscribed in a royal proclamation by Henry VIII. Barn Stormers , theatrical performers who travel the country and act in barns, selecting short and tragic pieces to suit the rustic taste. His body was transparent; so that Scrooge, observing him, and looking through his waistcoat, could see the two buttons on his coat behind. The passage mark is a cypher with a twisted tail; in some cases the tail projects into the passage, in others outwardly; thus seeming to indicate whether the houses down the passage are worth calling at or not.