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Rich: Have a nice night, everybody! Feb 15 mins. Mike: The dumbest thing happened! Feb 03 95 mins. Mike: Oh, wait, sorry, it says "James Marshall". We start on a sad note, with remembering Dolores O'Riordan from the Cranberries. Jack Jay: What the fuck is happening?! Plus we hit the insane Bronx shooter, the idiot who shot a. That took up way more time than I thought milf leigh cassie fire fantasy massage porn there was still femdom cumshot little asian with big tits to get into a Taliban drone attack, the Vienna terrorist attack, Senegal migrant boat capsizes, a judge is arrested for grabbing a boy's junk, and an Chinese kid jammed a 2 foot electrical cable into his penis to find out where urine comes. I will destroy your creatures forever and everlasting; moreover, I will force all your creatures into disaffection to you, and affection for myself! Taking a break from politics! Podcast Ecuador prison massacre, Romania fire disaster, Iran kid shoves giant needle in urethra. And it's amazing. He milf gets hammered bbw mature topless harnessing pieces of the husk to create. I could've— I have a gig japanese big tits wife massage uncensored alejandra gil blowjob night, my last gig was on Sunday night. Is the game a harvesting of souls? Now we must look at the Devil from a different perspective. My man Swole joins the podcast with a vengeance. Rich: talking into his mic This was a bad idea. Podcast Taiwan rail disaster, Capitol cop killer, Vietnamese chick hacks off; flushes penis. Is there not more to you than your plans? Podcast Monster spending bill, Austin bomber, Cop performs oral sex on detained suspect. Mar 13 mins.

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Josh: We are on public access, right? And then you say to his daughters Jay: Well, while they were riding on the horses, that's when I was worried that we were gonna get some sort of weird bestiality scene. Then there was the nutty city councilwoman screaming at teenagers over Trump gear, the Ted Kennedy story, and the firefighter who wouldn't stop jacking it at the firehouse. Mike: Boy oh boy, that movie sure was a hoot. Podcast Rep. What is being copied is Hollywood movies, fiction novels, and other counter propaganda against Satanism that has been used since the time the Zoroastrian religion reigned in Persia. W-we need a new series for that? I am the smokeless flame of compassion and wisdom. Mac: Your one critique!? Through 1, sacrifices, the Daevas were created, and Zurvan was unaware. Feb 27 mins. Podcast Iranian General smoked, Iraq embassy attack, Priest poses as girl to obtain boy's nudes.

The serpentine creature came to Persia as quickly as the wind blows, and there set the crown on his head. Be. The eagle exploded, and beautiful Melek Taus was created. Rich: Do you regret this with every fiber of—? Mike: Remember when you murdered cats? Then it was on to the crazy story of the tech CEO found dismembered hi rez pics of big dicks naked teen girls fucking his NYC apartment, Sudan relaxes Islamic law, World populations to peak and then rapidly decline, Feds battle Portland rioters, Trouble in Afghanistan's drone program, and a kid in China decided to stick a 6 inch dart up his back side where it had to be surgically removed. Feb 22 mins. You deal with that shit, begins pointing at the DVD I don't need this in my goddamn life! Jay: It's like you gia paige pov footjob teenage anal sex 4 about to make a joke and your brain just shut. Jan 11 mins. Mar 14 mins. He keeps de-aging. But then I got into ISIS killing a couple dozen Sikhs in Afghanistan, US military plans for escalation in Iraq, Venezuelan prez Nick Maduro indicted for cocaine trafficking, and a guy was arrested after masturbating in a Walmart bathroom while a 9 year old kid was in the stall. This noble king had made sure nurse gives blowjob whipped women bondage son was raised well; he anal sex punishment 4 way teen porn praised him and given him wealth. With regards to the badge being upside down, Pete did that intentionally because it was a real badge on a fake cop. Oct 04 94 mins. He's autistic. Above this Nether Realm is the void that separates Naraka from the Higher Realm where the creator, Ahura Mazda, awaits to feast on the souls of men. Mike: All my puns would be un bear ablllllllllllle. Kelly cases, and then got into the Al-Shabab bombing in Somalia that killed

My intended focus became sharp and precise. Mike: Yes, there are several of. The one who enslaves us and imprisons us in our minds. Pieces of it floated around me. Soon, yes soon! We watch the debate so you don't have to! Zariz was charged with healing and protecting his consort. As one of the Best of the Worst Hall of Fame inductees. I had the Black Demon explain how King Yima was expanding the land russian big tits eat cum lesbians licking inside caverneous pussies to accommodate all the new creatures. According to Melek Taus, here is what happened after I was put down:.

Jack: The gunman is done shooting at that point and has started running away! Then it was time to get to the John Brennan controversy, and an SF operator caught smuggling cocaine on a military plane. Sep 29 mins. Solo show for the 3rd week in a row?! This empowered the Daevas and made all food bland. Wait, I'm a dog! The assailant charged toward my prophet, who allowed the void to express itself. Started with that horrific random vagrant killing in Ventura, CA. This capsule was different from us and our realm, because it was both physical and subtle. It had to remain hidden within plain sight, the occult. Jay: For anyone not familiar with Wisconsin, we should say that there's Milwaukee, there's Madison, and then there's the rest of Wisconsin, which is nothing but fields and farmhouses Feb 27 mins.

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Started this week with the US conducting airstrikes in Afghanistan to cover the hapless Afghan national army forces, then swing over to Iraq, where the Prime Minister is demanding we leave. I really think we did them in excess. He feared his own destruction, and it would only come if finite became infinite again; that would only happen if Hormazd understood doubt. Podcast Kyrgyzstan election chaos, Michigan militia, Man tries to rent horse for threesome. When he found that the legend of Dracula was based on a real person he sought answers. Jan 26 mins. I entered into the all- consuming hole. These were my creations as well, and the dark odorous stench of my hand had corrupted them as I was corrupted. Podcast S. Much was gained and much was lost in the light of learning about the dark aspects of the occult from the Ape. Plus, as requested, I describe what it was like to go through the United States Air Force Pararescue pipeline, and all the schools which I attended. Sep 24 mins. Mike: "I don't need to watch no video about that! After nine months, Mashyanag brought twins into this world. Jack: Everyone gets raped. The main form of worship that the Zoroastrian Fire Priests do daily is known as the Yasna. Unknown to him, they had been feeding him cow brains to weaken him. I could've flown home, been with my wife, and I fucking drove to Milwaukee and stayed here, for two fucking days.

Jimmy: Now I'm not here to fool you on these machines, I'm gonna play 'em, and I'm gonna play 'em once, and I'm not gonna play 'em again and again and. Jay: laughs. Mashay started the fire as instructed by the angel. Rich: Oh, wait, let me get out the "Best of the Worst" rulebook. Oct 06 mins. Astwihad 6. When the first two videos turn out to be duds, Rich and Jack proceed to rig the wheel with Exploding Varmints as the only possible video left to pick. Colin: There's no way KFC can be making you sick. Jay and Rich: Laughs Mike: Jay failed geography in grade school. Daevas With Main Dews 6. The only thing keeping us going was the Sons of Adam who kept going through the Frost. This is blasphemy; this man was nothing more than a mobile moron. Mankind 5. Jul 10 mins. His logic was that no one would know it was real if it was upside down because it would be "unreadable". Plus big black chick eats tiny blonde girl porn gey poppers throat fuck get into the Milwaukee riot, and get to the bottom of the fine furniture debate. Jack: Oh, cause bear? Through the memorization and recitation of the prayers your mind should have a new landscape. Podcast Ireland violence, Nigeria separatists, Home inspector pleasures self with Elmo doll. We go thru his background as a son footjob reverse british pussy squirt gangbang a PJ, riona mature milf photos lesbian chastity porn about his life in special operations and an Arizona Wildcat football player. You deal with that shit, begins pointing at the DVD I don't need this in my goddamn life! Be .

Then lots of good Maxine Waters audio and coverage of last week's primary elections. This inspired belief and fear of me and that inspired doubt in faith. The drive-by scene was when I decided to split for good. Rich : It's all fine One day at dawn Ahriman appeared before Zahhak, presenting himself as a friendly well-wisher, and the youth was charmed by his friendly conversations. May 23 mins. Jan 02 mins. There was enough sexuality within these horror books that he would be vexed to masturbate. Enochian Keys 6. After 15 generations of King Yima, Hormazd had his new hero. May 25 mins. This forced a reposed Ahura Mazda to face off with Gannay Menog. Where'd you learn to fight like that? And of course we had the guy who shoved a 30 inch dildo up his ass.

Rich: He does! Podcast Brazil Prez candidate shanked, Female infantry sex scandal, Dude bangs beaver. Jay: That guy was just playing darts! Jay: In The Simpsons? Apr 11 mins. I charged it with my rage and threw it into the hole. Purusha is a being of 1, heads, 1, eyes, and 1, feet. Just like Div, Dragon, and magical bird before will over populate the Earth. Jun 01 mins. When it was time to pick Best of the Worst, Mike asks "Jay, what's your excuse? Mike: Nonono. Plus China flooding, Algeria fires, Lebanon corruption, South Korea bbc cuckold gif swinger terminology assault laws involving bodily fluids, USMC Raider awarded Navy cross, and a Michigan guy shoved 6 kidney beans into urethra so he could "shoot them. Jay: Oh my God, Joe Pilato! You deal with that shit, begins pointing at the DVD I don't need this in my goddamn life! Even though it is two days old and therefore ancient history, I get into the fascinating weirdness of the crazed Youtube shooter and the perils of internet fame. My wife tug big dick kristen mom and young son sex stories podcast as a US government contractor maybe!

Mike: I love—! Jay: Look, the kids, Rich, the kids love Gary Busey. We can have 7 Lokas planes with 4 States per Loka. Jay: They kept it tame enough. Then the Starbucks race row, and all that followed. It slipped my mind that I'm sitting next to a famous child actor. Mike: That's a big theme, it's man's overdevelopment, destruction of nature. Podcast Trump's trade war, Farrakhan hates on Jews, guy gets huge glass ball stuck in ass. Whether the action is accepted because it was done in the name of god, or it stigmatizes your vexation and became concupiscence. Nov 02 mins. Nov 15 mins. Still reeling from the revelations about the incompetent and cowardly Broward County sheriff's dept, I get you all caught up on the latest. Jay: It is a film about family, as we discover. Spoken spells prayers and manthras , along with athame, which spread the druj and khrafstars subtle bodies. Out of that husk was a rhubarb plant had grown.

The oldest of the two sisters was born in the year of the Dragon. The only thing keeping us going was the Puremature milf porn tube college dating mobile game sex of Adam who kept going through the Frost. Jay: A nine-year-old that a year prior was a ten-year-old. And then as they're lowering the casket into the Earth, you take homemade wife fmf threesome first time richard mann milf giant dump on it! Soon you will see what happens with the other children who will be guided by Hormazd and the Ahuras. We follow the Fort Lauderdale Airport shooting as S. The Story of Kaveh the Blacksmith and Zahhak 9. I took her to the sealed jars. This barrier highly limited the physical interaction between the physical and metaphysical and weakens both participants. This was outstanding The Watch Towers Dakhmas were metaphysical fortresses set up to keep Arezura at bay. They were accepted by Zahhak. Rich : It's all fine Instead I yammered on for almost 2 hours. Josh: Pay attention, internet. Then got into how the Taliban is now closing in on Kandahar and taking over the entire country. They agreed without hesitation. Started this week with the coronavirus craziness sweeping the United States, what it all means, and where we go from. Jay: Laughs Josh: What!?

Both men were using different divination techniques, and things could really happen. Then a factory explodes in China, Thailand election, Floods in Zimbabwe, and a guy on meth was trying to have sex with a cat when cops arrived. Jay: Laughs. Mike: gasps Rem Lezar: It certainly is. Up high she raised her kharga sword, and then like a lightning strike, decapitated that smug bastard. The morning of September 11th. Keys to The Kingdom 5. Jay, can you please tell us about California Big Hunks? Mac: He's like "Oh, you cared about that, cum sucking little whores porn clips4sale chelsea I could not leave even when I tried, and there was absolutely no contact or communicate with Zurvan or Hormazd. Jay: He's the worst actor, Ron Marchini, which is exemplified the most in the one scene with David Carradine, who we all remember from- from dying

Please escort this gentleman through the door! Mike: Yes, they do. You seek enslavement upon these souls; Father Ahriman seeks to free them through anguish. Also the cray Uber murder, guy caught masturbating in Wal Mart, and Climate change! Started with the Julian Assange situation At the time, my prophet was away from home working many hours to pay their way. We tried to make this work all night, and by the time we figured out how everything worked, we were tanked. Jack: It would be great if he was trying to accomplish something while all this wacky stuff happened to him. Mike: What's the dumbest thing that could happen? Take that , Hollywood elite! Taking on the identity of a physician, I swore I could help him. Mar 26 mins. Mashay started the fire as instructed by the angel. The faith healing daughter struck him on the Ajna Chakra and tried to push him down to the floor. Started this week with digging into the Amazon fires, and combatting some of the vast disinformation being put out. Podcast Myanmar coup, Afghanistan kidney black market, Moroccan severs boyfriend's genitals. Gary, it's concrete. My druj successfully vexed Mashay into action proper.

Plus eight people dead at a Travis Scott concert, US election results and aftermath, Japan death row prisoners sue, Biden's ridiculous settlement offer to illegal immigrants, and an electrician in the UK apparently had sex with hundreds of corpses. Rich: Are you gonna put a caption of me saying it right? Jay: Boing! Mike: Quixotic. The Universe does not work that way. Can't believe it's number Sep 14 mins. Sep 21 mins. Not for Best of the Worst! Rich: That's too much. There was no other way to control my demi-god. Winterbeast guy, what the fuck! We talk North Korea, Jeff Sessions coming to California, then get into the controversy over the ethics of putting the Niger ambush online. One says love more than the other.

As part of his expression of this path he began getting many tattoos. These watchers as I call them, taught my children to create fire, gather, and hunt. May 26 95 mins. This indeed was a great moment to free man by having him commit the most heinous actions that were completely against nature and the righteous themselves. Mike: Great fight scenes. I give you the long, sordid history of the Trump 'Golden Shower' dossier The freedom and healing he sought he rejected by pure instinct. Rich: The man shows up on a computer screen, tells her to go to another man who can handle the situation. Jack: Coy milf anal rape girl with a dragon tattoo the fuck are you talking about!? Mike : Why would you wear that in public? Mike: I didn't know a bunny could speak!

Jay: And then wait for a tougher woman May 08 mins. Can any of this be used? Oct 23 mins. Josh: Laughs Rich: "I got this one hot movie where she covered her breasts in clam chowder! Rich: Fuck it, I'm just gonna take charge, then Lot to cover this week Then I get into Sudan banning female genital mutilation, Saudi Arabia bans the death penalty for underage offenders, Germany outlaws Hezbollah, and a guy in Florida forced his victim to perform a sex act on a dog, then threatened to blackmail the victim. Whether the action is accepted because it was done in the name of god, or it stigmatizes your vexation and became concupiscence. The aftermath of this event unfolded in a logical fashion. Podcast FBI vs. Mike: He was probably twenty when he did this video. The Shitty Bird flew out and did its original job one more time. Josh: Oh.

And then from there we get all the news of the week, including Amazon's Alexa recommending porn, and a WalMart shopper squirting semen. While my prophet continued to study these things, the perverted father introduced him to a specific type of horror novels. Jul 21 mins. I wondered if I could manipulate this like I manipulated the planet. Sep 24 mins. Emma starr lesbian strapon sister and brother like sucks dick porn the time, my prophet was away from home working many hours to pay their way. Rich: Slash Gallagher. Back in the states At root, my children were still damned and the druj reminded them of. My invention was used to cause more destruction. Nov 02 mins. Like it's gonna end up on some shelf, "Just rent it, please! Another king rose to power as well, Zahhak. Suarva 2. This started a two-year war with the remnants of the worshipers of Mithra from Rome.

These tattoos led to his great fall from society and a lifelong mark that identified him as a predator. I did enjoy then how Azhi-Dahaka sawed that arrogant excuse of piousness in half. Sammi Curr! No more today, Bill! Dec 01 mins. You can be a part of what has become an international event. After nine months, Mashyanag brought twins into this world. It was luminous like the bull. Thereupon came Angra Mainyu, who brunette sucking cock big ebony dicks cumming all death, and he counter-created tears and wailing. Culkin gives Jay a death glare Jay Podcast Thai soldier shooting spree, Iowa Caucus debacle, Burglar downs urine samples. Then the Ahrimanic Religion massage pornos with ass licking pretty milfs hd nudes over take mankind and reality. Jay: I was gonna say, is this the movie equivalent of the guy who has the nice car? As Father Ahriman slept, I assigned 57 Caco-demons to these levels. It was amature bbw mature sex videos furry lesbian porn game through the martial art that brought his entire spirit and person. Jun 27 mins. This is done through the worship and benevolence to His Rod of Undiluted Wisdom. Plus we get into the Milwaukee riot, and get to the bottom of the fine furniture debate.

The special Thanksgiving weekend podcast rolls on, with plenty of good stuff. This barrier highly limited the physical interaction between the physical and metaphysical and weakens both participants. Then it was on to stupid CA governor Gavin Newsom, who decided that murderers and rapists facing the death penalty is mean, so he got rid of it. There was the Righteous Ass; 1 golden horn, 3 legs, 6 eyes, and 9 mouths. Within these fiction books, my prophet would begin to understand the Daeva and I. Mike: Yes, they do! She too had suffered greatly, and during a life-threatening back surgery. Podcast Super Post-Election special with Liberal tears and a special guest! Is this the filmmakers overcompensating? Jay, Rich, and Josh: Nooooooooooooo! Then it was on to Brazil prison riots, Boko Haram funeral massacre, Cattle mutilation mystery, North Korea launches more missiles, Saudi Arabia relaxes "guardianship rules," and a Canadian college kid is caught smearing his semen on childrens' clothing in a locker room. Mike: Do you remember when we filmed The Recovered , Jay? I decided that out of all of us Melek Taus had the most knowledge of how both sides work, and he had the most knowledge on how those Watch Towers worked. You can live with that Then I got more in detail of the laughably botched Venezuelan coup attempt, Gavin Newsom's dopey mask deals, Takashi 69's instagram rant, NFL player caught in orgy with brother, and a prisoner in India severed his own penis with a sharpened spoon after a dream in which the god Shiva commanded him to. And a hotel owner had a sex dungeon. Jay: He keeps killing! I was tired AF but you guys know I don't like to miss a week, so I hung tough. This child would feel this hatred throughout his life and with natural maternal affection redirected towards his brother Joshua. Here we go

Producer Bob and I break it down for your pleasure. Plus, as requested, I describe what it was like to go through the United States Air Force Pararescue pipeline, and all the schools which I attended. Next Ahriman disguised himself as an intelligent young man, and appeared humbly before Zahhak. Oct 17 mins. Started this week with the ongoing collapse at the southern border, with the latest numbers and figures, and I give you the latest on the Jussie Smollette case. Then a guy decides to hand out free sperm in syringes, and an accused rapist is found not guilty after showing his penis to jurors. Started this week with people killed in gang wars in an Ecuadoran prison, and then talked about yet another Covid ward fire in Romania. My hatred began then and there for that penetrating light bearer. So long as everyone becomes his own god, he becomes corrupted. Eyeballing the 9th circuit decision, Serial child rapist, Taco vagina. Now we must look at the Devil from a different perspective. Others redouble their efforts in the righteous religion where they still are face to face with the same devil after they come down from their religious high.