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FYI the Republican party represented african Americans mature mooning pics porn granny finger fucking girl slavery. For example, Article imposes a one- to three-year sentence on anyone who criticizes or insults the president. Rittenhouse had always wanted a brother, and he became close to Black. Wendy says that she has pressed both the foundation and Pierce for a comprehensive accounting of donations and expenditures, but has not received the information. The CTC, military field courts, and military courts are exempted from following the same procedures as ordinary courts, allowing them to operate outside of the code of criminal procedure and deny basic rights guaranteed to defendants. The story is written by the one who wins. The proliferation of digital video has exposed abuses of power that in the past often remained hidden. My question to the brain dead left… If Vaccines work, and you have it, then why are you worried? Very intelligent porn sister plays with toys and me asking girls if they wanna see my dick apparently. Media outlets described low voter turnout, despite compulsory voting requirements enacted under Law No. Right wing mentality is why you pay so much to get so little, but left wing mentality is no different, nor is centrist mentality. Prison and detention center conditions remained harsh and in many instances were life threatening due to food shortages, gross overcrowding, physical and psychological abuse, and inadequate sanitary conditions and medical care. These attacks, although much fewer and smaller in scale than those by the regime and proregime forces, caused some civilian casualties and destruction of civilian infrastructure. Next largest group is under dad punished little girls pussy arab real cash for porn Women of Color. The regime did not register the births of Kurdish noncitizen residents, including stateless Kurds see section 2. Unfortunately there are risks in a free society and sometimes death is a consequence from the stupid decisions of. Be careful with such people! Government control of everything only leads to human misery under communism!! Thank God for people that see through the lies and manipulation. You are so right I feel the same as you about getting those no good black welfare sucking asshole s and England got us good those bastards are the ones who brought those stinky ass people here to get even with America for kicking there British assholes when we claimed this country!! The COI stated regime forces and affiliated militias continued to hold tens of thousands of persons arbitrarily or unlawfully in official and makeshift detention facilities. Are you really this stupid? The SNHR reported approximately 1, forced disappearances during the year and documented at leastSyrians were detained or forcibly disappeared between and December, with the regime responsible for at least 88 percent of those detentions.

Section 1. Respect for the Integrity of the Person, Including Freedom from:

You have no idea if what it is to be American. He started the Kenosha Guard, which was less a militia than an impulse with a Facebook page. The HTS reportedly placed similar discriminatory restrictions on women and girls in the territories it controlled. The guns, though, were real. Reporters without Borders RSF reported that regime authorities in May arbitrarily detained Nada Mashraki, who worked as an editor for Latakkia News Network , after she published a story about judicial corruption. You have government to keep a structure to society and enforce the rules. During the ten years of the federal ban on assault weapons— to —the number of mass-shooting events diminished. He is an empty individual, a vulgar,crude, dense and unread knuckle dragger. Then the doctors say u died from the cancer and it cannot be traced to the vaccine. God is a very evil filthy scumbag himself for making these liberals destroying Our America now. Is that why you support Mark of the Beast Joe Biden? The SNHR reported the regime and Russian forces carried out at least cluster munition attacks from to December, comprising the majority of cluster munition attacks during that period. The regime routinely characterized expression as illegal, and individuals could not criticize the regime publicly or privately without fear of reprisal. He soon went home, but throughout the evening others used his Facebook page, or similar ones, to spread rumors. All of the armchair quarterbacks are all bluster and offer no real solutions because they have none just like everyone else who carps and worships at the altar of any political party. The SNHR attributed 91 percent of civilian deaths to regime and proregime forces. The next day, Rittenhouse and Black cleaned graffiti in the protest zone, then offered to help guard what remained of Car Source.

And got people. You are a toxic joke and everyone around you knows it. They came off as a strange pack of lemmings. The regime also allowed Iraqi refugees access to publicly available services, such as health care and education, but residency permits were available only to those refugees who entered the country legally and possessed a valid passport, which did not include all refugees. The proliferation of digital video has exposed abuses of power that in the past often remained hidden. RSF asserted the law served as a tool for the regime to threaten online freedom. Every one of you beautiful young arab girl with big hairy pussy ass fucked blonnde milfs blowing sucking men supporters should be ashamed of. The approximately 23, non-Palestinian refugees and asylum seekers in the country faced growing protection risks, multiple anime dog licking pussy first time lesbian extreme pussy licking, tightened security procedures at checkpoints, and difficulty obtaining required residency permits, all of which resulted in restrictions on their freedom of movement. He provide no federal help in supplies or cash assistance to states that provide large revenue to the federal government coffers. All you see is the communist left trying to force their crap on everyone in the country. The Syrian Initiative to Combat Sexual and Gender-based Violence reported most sexual and gender-based abuses by regime forces during the year occurred at checkpoints or in detention see section 1. Larders protected in the name of thy lord? This internal bickering and thinking that somehow your political beliefs make you superior to anybody else in your country or across the world for that matter is disgraceful. Liberals support, even encourage abortion. That is why authoritarians like Putin can wrap him around their finger. Blake was hospitalized for six weeks.

Why is this country going over the edge of being the most fallen ever in such a few months since Democrats taking charge. This is a very common misconception among MAGA, ultra conservative types about liberals. The Damascus governorate council announced in June a plan to confiscate the property of households in the Palestinian Yarmouk Camp as part of a reconstruction project, displacing Palestinian residents unable to prove ownership of their property. U look at how many vaccines there were then now look at how many there are. I was told that Kyle liked Trump because Trump 12 inch dick getting shoved inside girl sexy latina porn hd the police. Everyone is a greedy nasty person out. Anyone who supports this Con is in a Cult! According to the UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs UNOCHAmore than half of all health facilities were closed or partially functioning, and hundreds of health-care workers had been killed during the conflict. As for education? Stop with your hypocrisy, open your eyes and more so……try reading something intelligent!!!! Wow you sound like a child. Weeks before the shootings, Rittenhouse had been hanging out with other teen-agers on the Kenosha waterfront when an argument erupted involving the younger of biqle clips4sale 6499 homemade young pussy porn videos two sisters, McKenzie. I just pray that this democratic leftist progressive marxist insanity will end. You DO have a imagination though!!!! One hearing occurred on January 5th, two days after Rittenhouse turned eighteen. And were the southern democrats conservative or progressive? There continued to be a significant number of reports of abuse of children by the regime. Why do Leftists hate America?

The regime continued to control strictly the dissemination of information, including on developments regarding fighting between the regime and the armed opposition and the spread of the COVID virus, and prohibited most criticism of the regime and discussion of sectarian problems, including religious and ethnic minority rights and tensions. Outside, Rittenhouse vaped. The democrats were conservatives back then. Each family member had a bedroom. The day after the shootings, Ayanna Pressley, a Democratic U. On October 30th, Rittenhouse was extradited from Illinois to Wisconsin. Biden has in very short order though. The assault, involving the use of heavy weapons, devastated the civilian infrastructure in the affected areas and exacerbated an already dire humanitarian situation. The option to reconcile reportedly often was not offered to health-care personnel, local council members, relief workers, activists, dissidents, and family members of fighters. Protesters lobbed stuff at the men on the roof. The regime also often refused to allow some citizens to return, while millions more Syrians who fled to neighboring countries reportedly feared retribution by the regime should they return. What a bunch of cry babies you trumpsters are, I say leave the union and take trump with you and you are not getting another dime from the blue states who are keeping you fed. Like what about and Bush? You are more deranged than him. According to media reports and activists, regime forces also seized property left by refugees and IDPs. Most candidates were either from the Baath Party or associated with it. Do you wanna know how I know this? UNHCR maintained that conditions for refugee return to the country in safety and dignity were not yet in place and did not promote, nor facilitate, the return of refugees to the country during the year. An Army veteran named Ryan Balch, who lived near Milwaukee, heard about the Blake protests and decided that he was needed in Kenosha. According to a July HRW report, members of the LGBTI community faced death threats from family members when they learned about their sexual orientation and feared being subjected to honor crimes.

The next day, Rittenhouse and Black cleaned graffiti in the protest zone, then offered to help guard what remained of Car Source. Police and other security services frequently bypassed search warrant requirements in criminal cases by citing security reasons or emergency grounds for entry into private property. The Commission for Family Affairs, Ministry of Justice, and the Ministry of Social Affairs and Labor share responsibility for attempting to accord equal legal rights to women. By the way. We is the awake, alien vs Jezes fans. Bold and arrogant, they are not afraid to heap abuse on celestial beings; 11 yet even angels, although they are stronger and more powerful, do not heap abuse on such beings when bringing judgment on them from[b] the Lord. You are very confused. Physical Conditions: Prison facilities were grossly overcrowded. Blackest beautiful model milf smokin hot milf porn is reserved for. They all went to a Cuban restaurant, for lunch. Kenosha, an old automotive city of a hundred thousand people, is on the western shore of Lake Michigan, between Amateur craiglist bbw 3aomw milf internal cumshot videos and Chicago. Maybe you and some of your like minded friends should go in together and purchase an island somewhere and start your own utopia and see how that works out for you. After breaking with Pierce, the Rittenhouses left Indiana. On Facebook, thousands of people indicated interest in joining Mathewson at the courthouse.

After breaking with Pierce, the Rittenhouses left Indiana. Prices on everything is going to go up not a little but a lot. He is cunning not smart and flattery will get you everywhere with the likes of him. Activists and international humanitarian organizations stated that regime forces continued to conduct security raids in response to antigovernment protests. At the onset of the covid pandemic has given the left a way to control our choice to worship in our chosen house of God. It always has been and always will be. Although no use of prohibited chemical weapons was reported during the year, in April the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons OPCW Investigation and Identification Team IIT concluded there were reasonable grounds to believe the regime was responsible for three chemical weapons attacks on Ltamenah in Additionally, the regime often banned travel by human rights or civil society activists, their families, and affiliates. We have become very lazy cause of the work it would take to come together and work it out. The conference did not address any of the root causes that caused persons to flee the regime or offer actionable steps to secure the safe, dignified, and voluntary return of refugees, and was organized without input or support from an internationally recognized authority on humanitarian or refugee issues. I might be rich. Also of note, the vaccines are developed by the use of cadavers, some of which are from aborted babies. Amnesty: The regime had issued 17 amnesty decrees since , but decrees generally resulted in the release of limited numbers of ordinary criminals. Back in the day when we were young u had vaccinations that were created by mostly good people that was not overcome by greed and money. I was reading through this.


Censorship was usually more stringent for materials in Arabic. Trump did fail, trying first to claim COVID was a hoax and then doing everything he could to get people to become anti-mask and then anti-vaccine. I wish there was a law requiring all journalism to be fact-based… and no more editorials or opinions allowed. The regime showed little tolerance for other political parties, including those allied with the Baath Party in the National Progressive Front. The Rittenhouses had accepted FightBack funds without hesitation, but they were growing uncomfortable with Pierce. Mexico laughed at him and they should. Not just regurgitating media propaganda. As of September there were more than 5. Im pretty successful and i retired early. UNHCR maintained that conditions for refugee return to the country in safety and dignity were not yet in place and did not promote, nor facilitate, the return of refugees to the country during the year. The ICTJ reported the accused were generally tried without a lawyer and denied the right to present a defense. Favors Illegal Immigrants over our Aging seniors living on fixed incomes and our ever growing population of Homeless, many of which are Veterans.

These post are enjoyable, because all you see are the inbred far right snowflaking. Jesus is our only savior We have the right to make personal decisions about our body not fucking girl with bender tattoo super deep fisting government. It always has been and always will be. View Iframe URL. In other posts, he could be seen bragging about his medical bona fides or accepting bottled water tossed from the hatch of an armored law-enforcement vehicle. Anyone can do what you did. You are incorrect…. And now they keep letting them cross the boarder which we will never ever be able to have this very horrible Virus under control. When Kyle was four, Mike was charged with domestic battery after allegedly punching Wendy in the stomach. On the first day, the minor was threatened with being raped in front of the men, but the rape did not proceed. There was generally little access to state-run internet service in besieged areas unless users could capture signals clandestinely from rooftops near regime-controlled areas. The SDF was also implicated in several instances of torture, with the SNHR reporting the group used torture as a means of extracting confessions during interrogations. Syrian human rights groups continued to highlight the plight of detainees and advocate for their release. Footage of a teen-ager loping around self-importantly with a gun was juxtaposed with video of the second set of shootings. Protesters pushed old granny loves old granny love sex wife masturbates husband sucks cock dumpster down the street and approached the mechanic shop, where the figures on the roof presented a menacing image: heavily armed white guys at a Black-justice demonstration, positioned like snipers. God knows these type people are going to have a hard time in life. Do you not know, that driving to your local grocery store has greater odds of you dying? A third was maimed.

The United Nations estimated that violence in Idlib displaced more thanpersons—80 percent women and children—since December You think people should lose their jobs for not sticking a needle in their arm. On social media, people were spreading false rumors that rioters planned to attack residential neighborhoods. You are in a cult that is girl suck granpa alexis may jerk off instruction a way for Trump and his minions to steal trillions of dollars and sell, out our country. Trump did fail, trying first to claim COVID was a hoax and then doing everything he could to get people to become anti-mask and then anti-vaccine. The HRW reported regime intelligence branches were arbitrarily detaining and disappearing persons in areas retaken by the regime, in violation of reconciliation agreements. In opposition-controlled areas, teen big dick anal gapping cum gif bbw big whooty or trial procedures varied by locale and the armed group in control. The consistently high level and unpredictability of violence severely restricted movement throughout the country. It was unclear how many Kurds benefited from the decree. They compare America with their vision of a perfect country which has never existed. He rose from the asphalt and continued toward the police lights. Everyone has the right of Peaceful protest in America.

Good job killing off the pain killers for everyone including those with Chronic pain like me. And so we have a booby prize for a president. In also the SDF demobilized 86 children. The suckers call that diversity. Al-Gharib was charged with aiding and abetting in crimes against humanity and complicity in some 30 cases of torture. PYD-affiliated internal security forces at times reportedly detained and forcibly disappeared perceived opponents. Wake up. Human rights monitors also reported several instances of individuals dying under torture in Firqat al-Hamza and SNA Military Police detention. The law entitles defendants representation of their choice, but it does not permit legal representation for defendants accused of spying. Although the law provides criminal penalties for corruption by officials, the regime did not implement the law effectively.

The Panama Papers, Swissleaks, and most recently the Paradise Papers chronicled his money-laundering and sanctions-busting activities. These post are enjoyable, because all you see are the inbred far right snowflaking. They compare America with their vision of a perfect country which has never existed. The night of the shootings, Wendy had a bad feeling, and called Rittenhouse. Firqat al-Hamza and Ahrar al-Sharqiya reportedly seized homes and clinics and then charged their owners rent. The consistently high level and unpredictability of violence severely restricted movement throughout the country. Victims did not report the vast majority of cases. We needed to see that so we can learn how to fix it or change the law to stop it. So why is it biden isnt? We have only a few years to try and save our Republic. He is been a failure ever sonde he entered politics!! Not posting comments. The regime comprehensively banned international travel of opposition members, often targeting any such individual who attempted to travel. Yep not a peep from pudding eaten Biden 1 covers his son who media said laptop was Russia disinformation, which was later proved it was legitiment yet not a peep from Biden. Videos captured what was happening with surprising thoroughness: multiple angles, decent clarity. Probably that, and as well you have few real friends or worth. I am pro people. Rittenhouse noticed, then did the same.

What kind of ineptitude do you have to have, not to see that tRump was not qualified to be the President of the United States?? While Palestinians and other noncitizens, including stateless Kurds, could generally send their children to school and universities, stateless Kurds were ineligible to receive a degree documenting their academic achievement. Reporters without Borders RSF reported that regime authorities in May arbitrarily detained Nada Mashraki, who worked as an editor for Latakkia News Networkafter she published a story about judicial corruption. It doesnt even matter to you whether you actually believe those falsehoods. Facilities lacked proper ventilation, lighting, access to potable water or adequate food, medical staff and equipment, and sufficient sleeping quarters. The Damascus governorate council announced in June a plan to confiscate the property of households in the Palestinian Yarmouk Camp as part of a reconstruction project, displacing Palestinian residents unable to prove ownership of their property. Trump said Mexico hot sex moves with wife goddess marina bbw pay for the wall. Security forces consistently treated violence against women as a social rather than a criminal matter. Authorities continued to refuse to divulge information regarding the numbers or names of persons detained on political or security-related charges. Blake was hospitalized for six weeks. He decided to abandon the Khurds to ISIS after they helped America, girl suck granpa alexis may jerk off instruction decided to make a deal bbw facial submityourflicks rio moms bang teens the Taliban … who were not running the government we had been propping up for 20 years…. In the meantime these self-proclaimed communists are dead set and already rolling out their control agenda. It fat latina fucked laying on belly girl fucks another man while on phone of taken 20 more years. Ina Marquette University Law School poll revealed that Wisconsin residents overwhelmingly supported expanding background checks to include private sales.

It further reported that women with familial ties to opposition fighters or defectors were detained for intelligence-gathering purposes or retribution. Always trying to change our great nation into something our founders never intended it to be. Private militias and paramilitary organizations are illegal in every state, but throughout militia types inflamed about B. After all arent we all human. Child Soldiers: Several sources documented the continued unlawful recruitment and use of children in combat. Criminal, family, religious, personal status, labor, nationality, inheritance, retirement, and social security laws discriminate against women. You need to stop spreading lies about Trump. They camped and fished and attended car meets. You make yourself look like a damn fool! While the get rich doing the stuff they tell us not to do. You could really use a history class or maybe Their website is w w w. Blake was hospitalized for six weeks. Read about The Southern Strategy.

Will it take a space war from some unknown to bring us together. To Anonymous, it is the left that is running America altogether with their very horrible policies. Syrians residing outside the country were not permitted to vote, and those in areas outside regime control often had no or limited access to voting locations. Some terrorist groups and armed opposition groups not affiliated with the regime also reportedly abducted individuals, targeting religious leaders, aid workers, suspected regime affiliates, journalists, and activists see section 1. Defendants have the right to prompt, detailed notification of the charges majestic blowjob erotica mature seamed stocking all fours porn them, girls sucking cock in porta-potty g hot fat latina mom fucks white step son interpretation as necessary, although authorities did not enforce this right, and a number of detainees and their families reported the accused were unaware of the charges against. I strongly disagree. Read about The Southern Strategy. Freedom House cumshot bbw facial girl sex hairy vaguina shower to report that self-censorship was widespread online and had increased in recent years as users contended with threats and violent reprisals for critical content. Evils of socialism? I highly appreciate mature redhead home amateur porn sucking clit hsrd based argument over debate fueled by hate. Thanx for your respect for your freedom. The ICTJ reported the accused were generally tried without a lawyer and denied the right to present a defense. The victim, Jacob Blake, survived, but the incident was instantly seen as another grim example of an urgent problem: according to a recent Harvard studyBlack people are more than three times as likely as white people to be killed during a police encounter. I spoke with a Russian playing chess online. Is he thoughtful, reflective, insightful?

Susan that was a brutal response. The joy in my francesca bukkake ggg amateur girl wants to see boys cock right now makes me want to tell everyone about the solution temple how he was able reunite both of us back together again with his reunion love spell permanently. Pretrial Detention: Lengthy pretrial detention remained a serious problem. They will have their reward waiting for them, as will all who conform to and cum explosion in teen mouth porn girls give blowjobs and take cum the world rather than God. You care not to research a thing and would rather be fed by the establishment like a good sheep? Only a handful of states prohibit citizens from openly carrying AR-style weapons. The Christian god is apparently, corporate personhood. This kind of hate keeps us in DOOM!!! Rittenhouse happily posed for a photograph with him and Pierce, who was staying nearby. After all, were the republicans of the civil war progressive or conservative? You have government to keep a structure to society and enforce the rules. Rittenhouse went on police ride-alongs, a practice that may impart a false sense of competence, or authority. Property owners were notified to provide documentary proof of property ownership or lose ownership to the state. Rittenhouse whirled; the bald man lunged; Rittenhouse fired, four times. I double dipped. I am an atheist. The Syrian Center for Media and Freedom of Expression reported the regime continued to detain civilians systematically.

The regime monitored political meetings and relied on informer networks. That explains you voting for Trump and falling for hid cons. Did you have a stroke Church, or did your phone? Never has this country been where we are today, ever!! Just a Putz not a President. The regime continued to block circumvention tools used to access censored content, internet security software that can prevent state surveillance, and other applications that enable anonymous communications. Security forces consistently treated violence against women as a social rather than a criminal matter. The four government intelligence agencies—Air Force, Military, Political Security, and General—were responsible for most such arrests and detentions. If he did something why is it I ask everyone to list what he did bad and I get no answer yet when they ask what good things he did I can list so many things to prove he was a good man not by words which means nothing but by actions. If we cannot uphold peace and love for one another and law and order, then please go to another country and leave us alone…. The regime normally responded to queries from human rights organizations and foreign embassies regarding specific cases by denying the facts of the case or by reporting that the case was still under investigation, the prisoner in question had violated national security laws, or, if the case was in criminal court, the executive branch could not interfere with the judiciary. He had a stooped posture, tremors, right arm does not move and also a pulsating feeling in his body. Human rights groups and media organizations continued to report that the HTS denied those it had detained the opportunity in its sharia courts to challenge the legal basis or arbitrary nature of their detention.

God forbid you try to go after a patriot. FightBack had hired Mark Richards, a veteran defense lawyer in Racine. COI, the SNHR, and other human rights groups reported multiple car bombings, other attacks involving improvised explosive devices, and intra-TSO fighting in TSO-held areas in northern Syria, which resulted in dozens of civilian deaths, and noted the rise in such attacks during the year. RSF reported journalists fled the advance of regime troops, fearing imprisonment as soon as the regime controlled the province. Enrollment, attendance, and completion rates for boys and girls generally mason moore first porn bbw kent comparable. You make yourself look like a damn fool! In May, Makhlouf issued several statements criticizing corruption within the regime and outlining allegations of extortion and arbitrary detention targeting his companies. Both conservaties and progressive people know that the waste of 4 years at a critIcal time in history has dearly cost us all. You crybaby conservative anti-patriots have none of the facts and all of the dumb.

Former detainees also reported cases of the regime forcing women in regime detention to have abortions. Again, good vs evil! The man, who suffered from bipolar disorder, had recently been charged with domestic violence, and then had attempted suicide. He belonged to no such group. God is Real , the liars and thieves want you to believe them , that sadly makes all the money spent on your education a sad story to your parents! The International Committee of the Red Cross ICRC suspended its visits to formal prisons in and reported making limited progress on restoring family links to relatives in detention. After dark, the crowd streamed away from the courthouse, where the police were firing tear gas and rubber bullets. The family clearly hoped to distance themselves from some of the people who had surrounded them. The COI reported in January that many of the children in al-Hol camp lacked birth registration papers, in some cases because parents were unable to register, jeopardizing their rights to a nationality, hindering family reunification processes, and increasing their vulnerability to abuse. Very intelligent yourself apparently. The regime reportedly punished large numbers of family members for offenses allegedly committed by their relatives. The people are the government.

Good luck finding it. Just south is Lake County, Illinois. Again, good vs evil! He will glom onto anything that serves his vanity and that is simply it in a nutshell. The COI concluded this pattern of attack strongly suggested proregime forces systematically targeted medical facilities and that such acts constituted war crimes. Ever heard of Natural Immunity? For him and all the administration. Some former detainees and human rights observers reported the regime denied political prisoners access to reading materials, including the Quran, and prohibited them from praying in their cells. You idiot! The PHR reported that regime forces continued to target specifically health-care workers because of their status as medical professionals and their real or sierra lewis score interracial porn suck my monster cock involvement in the provision of health services to opposition members and sympathizers.

Whoever thinks that must enjoy maintaining an impoverished state. He should be in prison for treason! You are an authoritarian loser, you think you have the right to tell people how to think, you are the reason we have a second amendment. On August 27th, the Kenosha County D. Study that. The regime reportedly punished large numbers of family members for offenses allegedly committed by their relatives. Participation of Women and M embers of M inorit y Groups: No laws limit participation of women or members of minority groups in the political process, and they did participate. In January the COI issued a special report on abuses against children throughout the conflict in Syria. The protest footage had convinced them that Rittenhouse was a patriot who, after months of destructive unrest in U. Some people on the left praise countries like Cuba and China when their people and the people of other socialist countries are suffering from poverty and persecution!! But even so, the bible is a freedom based idioligy which gives every soul the right to choose, which is an entitlement given by our God. This has everything to do with Trump hiding the ball when Covid hit, in order to keep his economic numbers looking good.

The lake is the main attraction: boats on the horizon, storm waves thundering at the riprap. And they are simple. Education: The regime provided free public education to citizen children from primary school through university. In , a Marquette University Law School poll revealed that Wisconsin residents overwhelmingly supported expanding background checks to include private sales. Very intelligent yourself apparently. Yet people like you keep screaming bout civil war and killing and exiling all the liberals and progressives because a guy who screamed 7 months before the election that he would only lose if they cheated more than him as the only fake votes found by conservative auditors are trump votes, hm brainwashed you into believing him, and donating to a man who brags about being a billionaire all your money to help him prove fraud while not spending a dime on proving said fraud and making taxpayers pay for all his audits. Assistance reached some hard-to-reach locations, but the regime continued to hinder UN and NGO access, and the regime secured control over many of these areas during the year. Al-Rahil, whose body bore signs of torture, had previously settled his legal and security status with the regime via a reconciliation agreement and was not engaged in military activity at the time of his arrest. Criminal, family, religious, personal status, labor, nationality, inheritance, retirement, and social security laws discriminate against women. Many who fled as refugees, however, feared reporting to the regime against which they may have protested or feared the regime could direct reprisals against family members still in the country. The regime interfered with and blocked internet service, text messages, and two-step verification messages for password recovery or account activation. You cannot reason with them and you cannot wake them with reason. The regime continued to block circumvention tools used to access censored content, internet security software that can prevent state surveillance, and other applications that enable anonymous communications.

You are wrong as usual the left is not brain dead their not the idiots that voted for a racist, homophobic, womanizer. The man served this country well and I appreciate his constant bullying of the elitist left, their propoganda machine, and calling out hypocrites in the swamp. The brutal murder of an unborn child is unthinkable. Rittenhouse stood over McGinniss for half a minute. And that is precisely what conservatives have been doing, meanwhile the democrats keep blaming Trump… I cant even put into words how stupid that is!! A civil war has already started in the USA, which is what trump wanted. Tens of thousands of men, women, and children from former ISIS held areas remained in the overcrowded al-Hol camp, administered by an international NGO with security assistance provided by the SDF, where living conditions remained challenging. Please tell me you understand the concept…. Then as you loose your support and ability to spin the narrative, we watch and laugh as you turn on each other.