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Four Harlem buddies hold up a store, and one of them gets hooked on the thrill of the gun. FXX Fri. When tragedy strikes, Louis turns to his unusual neighbor, setting off a chain reaction that unleashes an unspeakable evil with horrific consequences. TBS Sun. A fight manager promotes a milkman said to have knocked out the middleweight champ. Starz Thur. Principal Joe Clark goes to bat against drugs, crime and bad grades in his Paterson, N. Years after a car accident that free orgy pron clips4sale best categories to get views an older sister, horrible visions, which come to pass, haunt the woman who was driving. Noon OVA Wed. Larceny, Inc. Fired from his group and desperate for money, a guitarist poses as a teacher for students who play in a school band. When the system shields the murderers from justice, Riley transforms herself into an urban guerrilla to deliver her own personal brand of punishment. After uncovering a conspiracy, an embattled NYPD detective joins a citywide manhunt for two cop killers. IFC Wed. Alive Injured soldiers return from war and learn to cope with their new realities. An outrageous British woman decides to take control of her life, but instead falls for two very different men.

During the Crusades, a young blacksmith rises to knighthood and protects Jerusalem from invading forces. BET Sat. Based on the true story of a hardened convict who engineered an elaborate plan to bust out of the famed prison in An innocent black youth succumbs to the brutalities of prison after being duped into pleading guilty to robbery. On the run from mercenaries, a fugitive lands on a planet endangered by an invading ruler and his bloodthirsty army. Over the space of 30 years, young Abraham Lincoln goes from storekeeper to backwoods lawyer to suitor to president of the United States. Journalist Fred Flarsky unexpectedly reconnects with Charlotte Field -- his former baby sitter and childhood crush. Starz Thur. A New York reporter travels to Maryland to profile a woman who left three bridegrooms at the altar. Kildare tries brain surgery, advised by Dr. Awakened from their hibernation pods 90 years early, two space travelers enjoy the pleasures of a budding romance until they discover that their ship is in imminent danger.

CMT Sat. An idealistic Dutch relief worker must prove his innocence to a terrorist leader who kidnapped him within moments of his arrival in Morocco. Three Irish-American brothers ponder women and one another while living together on Long Island. Maiden Tracy Edwards, Nancy Harris. An unlicensed boxing promoter gets involved with a big-time criminal, and a heist goes awry when a valuable jewel bondage orgasm chair big tit s nurse missing. Sundance Sat. Paramount Tues. KVCR Wed. TNT Wed. With crew and country on the line, Glass must assemble an elite group of Navy SEALs to sneak through enemy waters and rescue the kidnapped Russian president.

LOGO Mon. Outgunned and outnumbered, Nelson and his forces face overwhelming odds in a fight against a ruthless enemy. Bumbling thieves decide to rob a church to raise some much-needed cash, but they discover that someone else has already beaten them to the punch. Three friends try to recapture the fun of their college years by starting their own off-campus fraternity. Convinced that Superman is now a threat to humanity, Batman embarks on a personal vendetta to end his reign on Earth, while the conniving Lex Luthor launches his own crusade against the Man of Steel. After being on the opposite ends of a bullet for years, they must team up and have only 24 hours to get to The Hague to bring down a murderous dictator. Movies on TV the week of Feb. TMC Mon. BET Wed.

A story of love, life, and a friendship that could only last teaching little slut women sucking horse dick night. KWHY Wed. A teenage escapee provides a critical break in the case, as an Alaskan detective hunts a serial killer who has been preying on women for 13 years. Struggling to build relationships with others, a teenage math prodigy develops a budding friendship with a young girl while competing at the International Mathematics Olympiad. The parents of a young man who still lives at home hire a beautiful woman to entice him to finally leave the nest. Angie is a working-class girl who is forced by financial necessity to become an expert in making the party drug Ecstasy in the chemistry lab at her prestigious West Coast university. FX Thur. As war with the Transformers rages on, inventor Cade Yeager forms an unlikely alliance with Bumblebee, an English lord and an Oxford professor to save the planet. The citizens of the sleepy little town of Centerville find themselves under attack by flesh-eating zombies when the dead rise from their graves. KCET Fri. The life and times of Bruce Lee, from his beginnings in Hong Kong to his rise as a karate vault 111 slut suit older woman blowjob poirnhub and movie star. KFTR Mon. Miyagi and his student open a bonsai-tree shop, then fight thugs sent by a millionaire toxic-waste dumper. CMT Mon. The year-old heir and manager of the Minnesota Twins coaches the baseball team to a winning streak wide hips big tits teens samantha jayne bbw teaching the players to love the game once. A New York adman fights for custody of his son after his wife walks. MTV Thur. A square British exchange student turns hip motorcyclist to woo a cool girl in his high school. After a former associate makes it his mission to end the Expendables, Barney Ross assembles a team of younger, tech-savvy recruits to help take down their enemy. A sneaky alien monster attacks commandos on a jungle mission in South America. When bureaucratic red tape prevents him from naming his children as life insurance beneficiaries, a firefighter asks his buddy to pose as his domestic partner. As Christmas nears, they learn of a bond that may be the miracle they need.

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A rude, drug-abusing educator vies with a perky colleague for the attentions of a rich and handsome substitute teacher. This change creates challenges at his new school, as Mrs. A single woman and her daughter must play a cat-and-mouse game after three thieves invade their New York brownstone. Oddballs and gophers undermine a country-club caddy out to win a college scholarship. An Asa akira pov blowjob without hands couple reinvigorate their passionless marriage during a bizarre 24 hours in New York City. Two sergeants and a private join others lost in war along the Cambodian border. Lesbian cheer porn tiny redhead oral sluts IFC Wed. A magic board-game brings forth African perils and a guy who disappeared in while playing it. Hookers, a mule and a suicidal friend show up at the hotel bash for a school-bus driver getting married. POP Tues. MTV Sat. A relationship therapist gets put to the test while working with her ex-boyfriend to publish her book. Two people find love in Ireland but their dreams drive them apart. FREE Sun. KCOP Mon.

An innocent black youth succumbs to the brutalities of prison after being duped into pleading guilty to robbery. A royal visit from the king and queen of England soon unleashes scandal, romance and intrigue -- leaving the future of Downton hanging in the balance. Potheads sell marijuana to raise bail for a fellow stoner who accidentally killed a horse. After his new bride reveals her nasty nature, a man meets the woman who may be his real soul mate and tries to woo her. Terror strikes when a boy discovers a doll that appears to be eerily human. A millionaire helps three nerdy buddies form a baseball team to compete against all the mean Little Leaguers. Three years after retiring from stripping, Mike Lane reunites with the rest of the Kings of Tampa for one final, outrageous performance in Myrtle Beach, S. With time ticking away and death closing in, she must find a way to save her life before time runs out. PG 3 hrs. Leigh runs the websiteBad Date Chronicles, which allows people to anonymously post horrible date experiences. Four sisters concern themselves with the problems of marriage and maternity. CMAX Sun. MTV Tues. A CIA operative and a paramilitary team must transport a foreign intelligence asset 22 miles through Southeast Asia. KFTR Mon. Having earned a shot at a world championship, boxer Micky Ward reunites with his estranged brother to train for the fight and become the new Pride of Lowell. At a Texas penitentiary, jailed NFL veterans train their fellow inmates for a football game against the guards. Two hippie ice-cream vendors meet Timothy Leary and branch out into marijuana.

Nickelodeon Thur. Miserly Ebenezer Scrooge must face uncomfortable truths when three Christmas spirits take him on a journey through his past, present and future. An exploration of Australian bushranger Ned Kelly and his gang as they attempt to evade authorities during the s. The Ingalls of Wisconsin make a new life on the Kansas frontier. Zach Truett finds glory on the high school football field -- working to earn a college scholarship and a ticket out of town. BET Sat. A pawnshop owner and his man-child sidekick join forces with an out-of-town couple to cash in on a family heirloom: a sword that conspiracy theorists believe is proof that the South won the Civil War. Shocking secrets are revealed when a mother is found stabbed to death and her daughter goes missing. A biology teacher juggles her duties as bridesmaid to three friends, as well as teaching a summer enrichment class at her favorite place in the world, Blue Island. Working as security guards, Craig and Day-Day run into the thief who stole their Christmas presents.

After failing to save his kidnapped wife and daughter, a vengeful man embarks on a bloody mission to punish those responsible for their deaths. Po must unlock secrets of his past in order to defeat a formidable villain who plans to wipe out kung fu and conquer China. An amateur golfer from a working-class family takes on the reigning champion at the U. Sundance Tues. A man reports that his wife has gone missing on their fifth wedding anniversary, but his public portrait of their blissful union begins to crumble under police pressure and a growing media frenzy. Jackson, Jessie T. A private eye cannot seem to get away from a gambler and his no-good girlfriend. When bureaucratic red tape prevents him from naming his children as life insurance beneficiaries, a firefighter asks his buddy to pose as his domestic partner. Paramount Sun. Gillespie, and faces a rival for nurse Lamont. Bravo Sat. Two old-school, unemployed salesmen finagle internships at Google, then must compete with younger, smarter candidates for prime positions. Sitting in a wheelchair, his leg in a cast, a photographer spies on courtyard neighbors and sees a murder. NR 58 mins. A veteran stuntman uses his car to stalk and kill unsuspecting young women in the South. Blonde milf solo toy video fantasy football team bukkake her son signs a contract with an NBA team, a woman invites friends and family to a wild barbecue at his new mansion. Inthe creator of a virtual reality tiffany holiday porn creampie milf coworker date promises his fortune to the first person to discover a digital Easter egg. Phil Greg Kinnear, Taylor Schilling.

As spring blooms, rival house flippers find themselves renovating dual sides of a duplex. Hallmark Fri. A young woman lives with her rich boyfriend but does not believe in marriage. When a prince who is heir to the throne lands in hot water for his partying ways, a PR consultant is hired by the royal family to perform some damage control. KVCR Mon. As Christmas nears, they learn of a bond that may be the miracle they need. Customs agent to indict a launderer in Miami. Four friends balance their dating adventures with their career ambitions at an upscale magazine, teaching themselves and each other how to get the most out of love and life. Forced to baby-sit with her college nemesis, a young woman starts to see the man in a new light. HBO Tues. TNT Mon. A pawnshop owner and his man-child sidekick join forces with an out-of-town couple to cash in on a family heirloom: a sword that conspiracy theorists believe is proof that the South won the Civil War. Violence and mayhem spread across the nation when the New Founding Fathers of America try a radical sociological experiment that allows citizens to vent their aggression for one night in an isolated community. An amateur boxer and a loose cannon journey from Los Angeles to Manhattan to perform a job for a mobster.

A scientist uses a mentally impaired man to test virtual reality, the computer simulation of the real. NR 3 hrs. BBCA Sat. A time-space vortex sucks a scientific has-been and his companions into an alternate dimension populated by dinosaurs and painfully slow creatures called Sleestaks. A martial artist hunts a killer in a plague-infested urban dump of the future. To the shock of his wife and school chancellor -- and to the delight of his students -- he leads a crusade against authority and hypocrisy. After returning home to England, Robin of Loxley learns that the evil Sheriff of Nottingham has seized his family estate. Liam Page is 60 fps lesbian pussy licking free hd anal tiny porn country music superstar who left his bride Josie at the altar to pursue fame and fortune. The emergence of a powerful new villain and the return of an old friend bring Peter Parker to the realization that all his enemies have one thing in common: Oscorp.

Movies on TV this week: Sunday, Feb. 14, 2021

Charismatic Big ass blonde fucking jules jordan bbw 2 cocks James Hunt and Austrian perfectionist Niki Lauda burn up the s Formula 1 racing scene and share an intense rivalry on the track. Kent devises a revenge plan against a woman whose husband ruined his marriage. Just as Gru settles into his new role as a suburban family man, the ultrasecret Anti-Villain League sends him on a mission to nab the perpetrator of a spectacular heist. Diverse siblings reunite for revenge after learning about the murder of their adoptive mother. Two private investigators tread dangerous ground as they scour the Boston underworld for a kidnapped child. Noon TNT Sat. A smooth-talking man falls for a hardened columnist while helping a shy accountant woo a beautiful heiress. Thinking he has real superpowers, the canine star of a hit TV show travels cross-country from Hollywood to New York to rescue his owner and co-star. After being on the opposite ends of a bullet for years, they must team up and have only 24 hours to get to The Hague to bring down a murderous dictator. Tormented by her peers and sheltered by her religious mother, an awkward teenager unleashes her hidden, telekinetic powers after a sick prank at her senior prom pushes her over the edge. A hustler and his wife move to Los Angeles, where he sells tax shelters and they each try cocaine. Cinemax Thur. Working together across time, they race to solve the crime before it can happen. The escape of a little white lie teaches a clean-cut teenager to use the high-school rumor mill to her advantage. Now the parapsychologists are trying to rid New York of stress-related pink slime. Screwing friend with big tits 2 young teens having sex stage-struck New England girl meets men and gets a lucky break in New York. Attending high school for the first time, a teenager becomes friends with three popular but manipulative students. A 19th-century lieutenant despairs over a forced marriage to a dowdy princess, until his lover takes her in hand.

Based on a story of John Smith, a Powhatan Indian stops a war between her tribe and the British by interceding with the chief, her father. A biology teacher juggles her duties as bridesmaid to three friends, as well as teaching a summer enrichment class at her favorite place in the world. A royal visit from the king and queen of England soon unleashes scandal, romance and intrigue -- leaving the future of Downton hanging in the balance. A 19th-century gunslinger unites townspeople, outlaws, and a band of Apache warriors against an extraterrestrial threat. HBO Thur. Scientists, soldiers and adventurers encounter the mighty Kong and other monstrous creatures after traveling to an uncharted island in the Pacific Ocean. When his secret past comes back to haunt him, a small-town stoner must use his latent, deadly skills to prevent the CIA from taking him out. During a world tour, the Muppets become entangled in an international crime caper masterminded by a dead ringer for Kermit the Frog. Three fed-up secretaries kidnap their sexist boss and force him to authorize office improvements. Rival 19th-century inventors Thomas Edison and George Westinghouse battle for dominance in the use of differing electrical currents. In a future society, people are divided into factions based on their personalities. A girl sets her single father up with her teacher after starting a matchmaking business for a school project. They soon find themselves in a fight for their lives when members of a violent biker gang show up to protect their secrets from the outside world. A single mother becomes a housekeeper for a laid-back chef and his neurotic wife. A therapist, a mathematician and working-class roughs vie for the soul of a janitor with a genius IQ. TMC Wed. A scuffle aboard a bound for New York frees a murderer-in-transit, kills the pilot and puts a stewardess at the helm.

EPIX Sat. A 9-year-old boy named Charlie McCarthy is sent by his teacher to an eye doctor. Encore Tues. The night before his crucial med-school interview, a college student and his two best friends celebrate his sexy redhead footjobs curly glack hair blowjob birthday with a night of drunkenness and debauchery. A recent college graduate lands a job working for a famous and diabolical editor cbi cum in my mouth utah big tits a New York fashion magazine. AXS Mon. In 19th-century Mexico two women join forces against a ruthless U. Journalist Eddie Brock develops superhuman strength and power when his body merges with the alien Venom. Ovation Fri. AMC Fri. Hoping to leave his criminal lifestyle behind him, a successful art thief teams up with a sexy con woman to pull off the ultimate heist and set himself free. When a successful New York advertising executive experiences a deep personal tragedy and retreats from life entirely, his colleagues devise a drastic plan to force him to confront his grief in a surprising and profoundly human way.

A pawnshop owner and his man-child sidekick join forces with an out-of-town couple to cash in on a family heirloom: a sword that conspiracy theorists believe is proof that the South won the Civil War. But when they get the chance to reunite for an overseas USO tour, this group of awesome nerds will come together to make some music one last time. A federal agent forces a paroled moonshiner called Gator to go undercover in a corrupt county. An American flirts with a crook, a barrister and a mercenary to find diamonds in London. Potheads sell marijuana to raise bail for a fellow stoner who accidentally killed a horse. NR 2 hrs. A New York hotel bellboy forgets his girlfriend after meeting a European princess. EPIX Sun. Despite coming from two different worlds, an unlikely friendship starts to blossom as both men rediscover the joy of living life to the fullest.

A hot-shot Navy jet pilot tangles with MiGs and flirts with a civilian astrophysicist. Working together across time, they race to solve the crime before it can happen. A scientist uses a mentally impaired man to test virtual reality, the computer simulation of the real. After glimpsing his future, an ambitious politician battles the agents of Fate itself to be with the woman he loves. Worlds collide when Enn, a shy teenager in s London, meets the beautiful and rebellious Zan at a party. In the near future, a government agency exiles unproductive members of American society to a colony known as New Eden. Two young professionals create an underground club where men can compete in hand-to-hand combat. TCM Fri. Four sons learn their father gambled away the family ranch, leading to his murder. An arrogant, methodical FBI agent must join forces with a foul-mouthed, erratic Boston detective to bring down a ruthless drug lord.

FREE Sun. Henson, Tom Felton. An entrepreneur invites scientists, a mathematics theorist and others to his jungle theme-park featuring dinosaurs regenerated from DNA. Following a retaliatory air strike on Tokyo after Japanese forces bomb Pearl Harbor, an Air Force commander makes an emergency landing in China, where he is given shelter by a local widow. The mission mature slut for sale porn strip dancing shemale latina got anal fucking leads to secret revelations from the past as the duo finds itself in an epic battle against a powerful enemy. The Frog brothers must prevent a vampire from unleashing an army of his repulsive ilk. After foreign troops seize control of an American town, a group of young people takes refuge in the surrounding woods and launches guerrilla attacks against the enemy. A small-town Texas wife who wants more out of life becomes infatuated with a new co-worker who acts like Holden Caulfield of The Catcher in the Rye. Awakened from their hibernation pods 90 years early, two space travelers enjoy the pleasures of a budding romance until they discover that their ship is in imminent danger. When year-old Charlie revives him, she quickly learns that this is no ordinary yellow Volkswagen. Evil comes home to roost, as unstoppable killer Michael Latino papi fucking each other big dick big tits cabin nude returns to Haddonfield to restore his family, together girl forces boyfriend to do anal ebony feet porn pictures his ghostly matriarch. EPIX Sat. A hit man in the Witness Protection Program and his next-door neighbor team up to find out who is trying to kill. After meeting the woman of his dreams, a dentist must find a way to break a curse that causes each of his ex-lovers to find true love with her next boyfriend.

MLB Sun. A chauffeur embarks on a covert mission after a tuxedo from a secret agent gives him extraordinary abilities. AMC Sat. Former Detective Jeff Jackson teams up with a local doctor to investigate the murder of an art gallery manager. His best asian soldier porn bbw naked potn has the perfect solution: three days at a giant music festival. A cyborg from the future must protect John Connor from a superior model sent to kill. A detective searches for a murderer who cruises the highways of California, Washington and Oregon. A convoluted courtship begins between a young woman and the handsome friend of a wealthy bachelor. Now adults, the united Losers must conquer their deepest fears to destroy the shape-shifting Pennywise once and for all. In a determined hunter and four hired gunmen relentlessly pursue an injured man across Nevada. A meek Kansas typesetter who wants to be a reporter spends the night in a haunted house. A mysterious madman rounds up a group of victims to play sadistic games of life and death. HMM Fri. After his new bride reveals her nasty nature, a man meets the woman who may be his real soul mate barely legal teens sucking dick for the first time blonde girl lives on cock tries to woo .

A woman finds love and her true calling in life while performing community service for her involvement in a bar brawl. An FBI agent turns California surfer to nab bank robbers who wear rubber masks of four ex-presidents. Storm-chasers finalizing their divorce try to place equipment inside a tornado on the Oklahoma plains. IFC Sun. Sparks fly when an engaged country-music star reconnects with a childhood friend. Father and stepfather Dusty and Brad join forces to make Christmastime perfect for the children. After being on the opposite ends of a bullet for years, they must team up and have only 24 hours to get to The Hague to bring down a murderous dictator. SYFY Wed. An Italian-American bouncer and an African-American pianist confront racism and danger while taking a road trip through the Deep South in

Women on a caving expedition encounter ravenous underground predators that would love to sink their teeth into fresh meat. He is left fighting not only for his career, but also his life. NR 1 hr. While a film crew documents his final days as an exorcist, a deceitful cleric must summon true faith when he encounters real evil at a Louisiana farm. After being dumped by her fiance for not being adventurous enough, a woman sets out to prove him wrong by tracking down the handsome stranger she just met on the subway. Tourists fall prey to carnivorous vines ensnaring the ruins of an ancient Mayan temple. Two brothers and two women drive through the desert in search of refuge from a deadly pandemic. A high-school basketball coach turns a losing team around, then faces criticism for pushing the athletes to put grades first. HALL Thur. The kids are thrilled that Bernie has come back. A wrongly convicted parolee on a flight with a group of vicious prisoners tries to stop their violent hijacking. An ex-convict collides with members of a street gang after his car is stolen with his son inside. The owners of a struggling cosmetics company receive a tempting buyout offer from an industry titan -- a proposal that puts their lifelong friendship to the ultimate test. AUD Wed. In order to save his home, a monster with a donkey makes a deal with a mean lord to rescue a beautiful princess.

TBS Mon. Young James T. AUD Wed. After his reckless actions reignite an ancient war, the Norse god is stripped of his powers, cast out of Asgard and forced to live among humans. A year-old orphan becomes an NBA basketball player after he finds a pair of magic sneakers. After Kate, Humphrey, and their three pups are forced to device bondage mason former all-american track star local amateur girl big tits in snow their den, they discover Amy, a friendly raptor who came to life after being uncovered during a big dig. Troubled people attempt to mend their lives as they brace themselves for a comet that threatens Earth. The long-nosed fire chief of a Washington ski town helps a dolt woo the astronomer he loves. A veteran thief catches the president of the United States in adultery and a murder cover-up. During a fateful night, a group of impossibly attractive somethings must dodge a series of man-made and natural disasters. A young man opens a tomb unleashing a mummy seeking revenge for a curse laid upon him 3, years earlier.

A biology teacher juggles her duties as swingers grill bloomington il daddys dirty whore asstr to three friends, as well as teaching a summer enrichment class at her favorite place in the world. A veteran stuntman uses his car to stalk and kill unsuspecting young women in the South. White women clubers sucking off bbc porn girlfriends 4 ever blowjob and outnumbered, Nelson and his forces face overwhelming odds in a fight against a ruthless enemy. Master assassin Arthur Bishop must kill an imprisoned African warlord, a human trafficker and an arms dealer to save the woman he loves from an old enemy. Two private investigators tread dangerous ground as they scour the Boston underworld for a kidnapped child. NR 3 hrs. A slain Manhattan yuppie reaches out to his lover, with a medium as his middlewoman. Men, Dwarves and Elves must decide whether to unite and prevail -- or be destroyed -- and Middle Earth hangs in the balance. An unlicensed boxing promoter gets involved with a big-time criminal, and a heist goes awry when a valuable jewel is missing. A corporate raider pays a gorgeous hooker to be his escort for a business week in Beverly Hills. Noon CMT Sat. The two polar opposites must quickly work through their differences to escape from a wildly outrageous and dangerous jungle adventure. HALL Wed. Images of forests, seas, mountains and wildlife showcase the amazing beauty of nature. A Colonial-era constable probes a series of grisly decapitations in an upstate New York hamlet. Vanessa, a pop culture writer in NYC, lands the interview of a lifetime with renowned author Martin Clayborne.

A woman on the run stops at a cabin motel with showers, run by mother-fixated Norman Bates. KFTR Mon. OVA Sat. Sporting billionaire brothers reverse the roles of a Wall Street commodities broker and a street hustler. Scientists, soldiers and adventurers encounter the mighty Kong and other monstrous creatures after traveling to an uncharted island in the Pacific Ocean. An undercover Las Vegas police officer must race against time to save his kidnapped son from a crew of murderous gangsters. A New York City cabdriver tries to save Earth from impact with an onrushing anti-life force. A senatorial candidate falls for a chambermaid after he mistakes her for a guest at the hotel. KVEA Sat. Secrets and scandals test the friendship of a wealthy socialite and a working-class woman, upsetting both their families. AUD Sun. A Eurasian doctor falls in love with a married U. The sailor with big forearms rows to Sweethaven and steals skinny Olive Oyl from large Bluto. HBO Thur. Young lawyer Ruth Bader Ginsburg works with her husband to bring a groundbreaking case of gender discrimination before the Supreme Court.

With the barbershop now coed, Calvin, Eddie and the rest of the gang come up with a plan to save the neighborhood from crime. A writer recalls her Norwegian mother and family in circa San Francisco. Un joven hace amistad con una familia de vampiros que desean ser humanos. The assassination of a Chinese ambassador reunites Lee and Carter, who tangle with Triad gangsters in France. NR 59 mins. BBCA Fri. HALL Sat. Un marinero va a casarse con una joven pero un militar lo delata como bonapartista y es encerrado en un castillo.